This book constitutes the gift of a great man to his contemporary human family. The actual authors of the contents of this book are our ancient sages of "Prachina Bharatavarsh." The inestimable service rendered to us by Rev. Shuddhananda Bhratiji is to delve into this ancient wisdom, make a compilation of its high points and translate it into English, with explanatory notes added to it to bring out their inner meaning clearly to the seeker after wisdom. The original Sanskrit source appears in the latter part of this book covering 66 pages. The English version covers 100 pages. There are two poems: one at the very beginning and the second one "SONG OF UNITY" upon the back caver. I recommend this book to all sincere seekers and earnest pursuers of knowledge and wisdom. May this book have the wide circulation that it deserves.
In the name of our beloved and late worshipped Maharshi Kavi Yogi Suddhananda Bharati of Yoga Samaj ShoIapuram Tapalayam, who is no more present with us, I am very glad to put into the hands of the reading public and especially spiritual seekers, this latest reprint of his well-known book VEDA SADHANAM. This is a rare work of the Vedantic vision and its practical living that we have inherited as our spiritual heritage. India's ancient sages and seer who attained to the supreme living experience of this supra-cosmic PRIMAL BEING declared their vision and experience for the benefit of posterity. In our own times in this recent 20th Century we were blessed by the presence of such a sage and a seer who appeared in this unbroken line of succession of spiritual master to awaken mankind to the spiritual goal of life and enlighten the human world of the means of attaining the supreme goal.
I have had the great fortune and blessedness of having personally met and known and imbibed wisdom from late worshipful Maharishi Kavi Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati. He was a boyhood friend of our Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Revered Sri Shuddhananda Bharatiji was an inspired poet, a great scholar and including French and Latin. He was also a very great patriot with intense live for India, Bharatavarsha, blazing in his heart. May his benedictions be upon all the readers of this book.
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