• हरियाणा में 1857 - जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना
  • हरियाणा में 1857 - जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना
  • हरियाणा में 1857 - जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना
  • हरियाणा में 1857 - जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना
  • हरियाणा में 1857 - जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना
  • हरियाणा में 1857 - जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना
  • हरियाणा में 1857 - जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना

हरियाणा में 1857 - जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना

Author(s): Dr. Mahendra Singh
Publisher: Pathak Publisher and Distributors
Language: Hindi
Total Pages: 254
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 995.00
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हरियाणा में 1857 (जन-विद्रोह, दमन व लोक चेतना)" by Mahendra Singh is a scholarly work that delves into the events and impact of the 1857 revolt (often referred to as the Sepoy Mutiny or the First War of Indian Independence) in the region of Haryana. Here’s a breakdown of what such a work typically covers:

1. Background of the 1857 Revolt

The 1857 revolt was a significant uprising against the British East India Company's rule. It began with military discontent but quickly spread to various regions, including parts of Haryana. The revolt was driven by a combination of factors, including resentment over British policies, economic hardship, and cultural and religious issues.

2. जन-विद्रोह (Popular Uprising)

In Haryana, the revolt saw widespread participation from various sections of society. Mahendra Singh’s work likely explores:

  • Local Leaders and Participants: Key figures who played a role in the revolt in Haryana, including both military and civilian leaders.
  • Nature of the Uprising: How the revolt manifested in Haryana, including the scale and intensity of the popular uprising.
  • Community Involvement: The involvement of different communities and social groups in the revolt.

3. दमन (Repression)

The British response to the revolt involved severe repression. Singh’s work would cover:

  • Military Suppression: The measures taken by the British to quell the uprising, including military campaigns and punitive actions.
  • Impact on Civilians: The effects of British repression on the local population, including economic and social consequences.
  • Specific Incidents: Detailed accounts of significant incidents of repression in Haryana.

4. लोक चेतना (Popular Consciousness)

The aftermath of the revolt influenced local consciousness and identity. Mahendra Singh’s book might examine:

  • Cultural Impact: How the revolt and its repression influenced local culture, traditions, and collective memory in Haryana.
  • Historical Narratives: The ways in which the events of 1857 were remembered and interpreted by local communities in the following years.
  • Legacy: The long-term impact of the revolt on Haryana’s history and its role in the broader Indian independence movement.

5. Methodology and Sources

Singh’s work would typically include:

  • Historical Analysis: Examination of primary and secondary sources, including archival materials, official records, and local narratives.
  • Field Research: Possibly incorporating oral histories and local traditions to provide a comprehensive view of the events and their impact.