Asanas by Swami Kuvalayananda


Author(s): Swami Kuvalayanand
Publisher: Kaivalyadhama S.M. Yoga Mandir Samiti
Language: English
Total Pages: 100
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 140.00
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Asanas book gives a detailed description of the technique of nearly every Asana that has a physical or a spiritual value. With a view to making the description more intelligible, each Asana has been fully illustrated. In this way the handbook has Asana has been fully illustrated. In this way, the handbook has become a reliable and competent guide to the students of Yoga who wish to follow the Short, Full, and Easy Courses of Yogic Physical Culture framed by the Kaivalyadhama. In order to cover the whole field of physical culture included in the Short, full, and Easy Courses, Viparita Karani. Yoga-Mudra, Uddiyana, and Nauli have been discussed in this handbook, although, technically speaking, they are not Asanas. If a reader studies our handbook of Pranayama along with this handbook, he will know almost everything that is worth knowing for a practical student of Yogic Physical Culture.