Ayurveda is a simple, practical science of life whose principles are universally applicable to each individual's daily existence. Ayurveda speaks to every element and facet of human life, offering guidance that has been tested and refined over many centuries to all those who seek greater harmony, peace and longevity. The knowledge supplied in this book will be of lasting value to the reader. This book is mainly concerned with presenting a basic overview of Ayurveda, including techniques of examination, diagnosis and treatment; promotion of longevity; the use of herbal remedies and other practical everyday aspects of maintaining health.
Lad conveys that Ayurveda regards the human body and its sensory experiences as manifestations of cosmic energy expressed in the five essential elements. ...to sum up, Lad states that the "Ayurveda teaches that the patient is a living book, and for understanding and physical well-being, he or she must be read daily." - Hindustan Times, June 1996
The section on Medicinals and the Appendix dealing with first aid treatment are extremely informative and useful. This perhaps is one of the few sections of the book that do justice to the part of the title that proclaims that the book is about "Self-healing ".-A.V. Balasubramanian, Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems, Madras
The most positive feature of the book is a strong thread of common sense and everyday knowledge, coupled with a conspicuous lack of the mystic hype that is usually associated with most ancient sciences, which invariably puts the rational reader off. ...written in an unorthodox style, the book is designed to appeal to even the most sceptical mind. - The Weekend Observer, August 24, 1996
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