The Bhagavad Gita is considered by scholars to be a mysterious and very esoteric composition, to know the mysterious truth of which scholars from all over the world had done their work, yet its truth could not come out, what is its truth? What are its basis and its related content? It is also believed that Krishna had given instructions to Arjuna, who had turned away from the war, in Kurukshetra so that he would be ready to fight with the Kauravas, but this fact is not true but a myth. Whatever the scholars told about the Gita, what they said, and what they wrote, the truth of the Gita is seen far beyond them. Therefore, there is a need to re-read the Bhagavad Gita once again, perhaps this time its entire truth is in front of us.
With Hindi translation and 'Full-stop' commentary, 'K. P. Singh's published book ‘Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: A History’, almost all the mysteries of the Gita seem to be solved. The published book also contains all such information, which can prove to be important for us. The Bhagavad-gita has been so enigmatic in its verses, utterances, expressions, and vocabulary that it has probably been impossible to understand because of them, and it has become an unsolved puzzle for the world. The subject matter of the Gita is so diverse, due to it could not be understood in a systematic way. Its vocabulary is also such that the true meaning of many words is probably not known, so its expressions cannot be understood. Therefore, first of all, it has to be understood about Gita that what is Gita? What are its subject and basis? When and why was it created and what does it express? All this has been intelligently discussed in the published book.
The book covers almost all the points that may be of interest to anyone's curiosity, such as, who is the originator of the Gita? How many versions of Gita were composed and when? Who is the author of Gita? Exactly who is Krishna and what is his period? Kurukshetra, and what is the battle of Kurukshetra? Who are Aatma, Paramatma, Parameshwara, Ishwar, Maheshwar, Bhagwan, Prabhu, etc.? What are Brahma, Vibhooti, Yoga, Punarjanm, Janmamrtyujaraadu:kh, Karma, Karmaphala, Yagya, Tapa, Bhakti, Dhyaan, Saankhy, Sannyaas, Tyaag, Buddhi, Gyaan, Janm–Bandhan, Moksh, Nirvaan, Mukti, Amrt, Shaanti, Bhaavana, Naishkarm, Divyadrshti, Om, Jagat, Lok, Surendralok and Praanaayaam? Who are Sthitaprajna, Yogi, Sanyasi, Deva, Devata, Daiva, Sur and Asura? Who are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, Chandalas, Papayanis, and Untouchables? Who are Yadu and Yadav? Who is Virata-Purush and what is Viratswaroop? What were the Varna-hybrid defect and its fear for women? Who are Dhartarashtra, Dhritarashtra, Pandava, Atatayi, Bhishma Drona, etc.? What is Dharma and Adharma? Who are Svajana, Mitradrohee, Kulaghaatee, lobhee, and paapee? Who are Moodh, Agyaanee, Mandabuddhi, Buddhiheen, Chittabhrasht, Mohitachitt, Ghaatakarta, Kaayar, Chor, Deen, and Adham? What is Chaturvarnya? What is Vedas and Vedic Culture? What are Oordhvamool and Aadhashaakhaa Ashwattha? What are Chhand and Parna? What is Triguna i.e. Sattva-Raja-Tama? What is Yukt-Ayukta, Kama-Krodha, Nivritti-Pravrtti, Aasakti–Anaasakti, Sat-Asat, Prana-Apaan and Swadharma-Pardharma? What are the Bhakti movement and its reason? ..... The answers to all such questions are found in this book in a very theoretical way.
The meaning of almost all the words of the Gita, whose exact meaning could not be known, has been given in the commentary of the book. The diversity and randomness that we see in the Gita also prove to be rhythmic and systematic in the said book. Which verse of the Gita was composed, perhaps the reason has been given for it, so also the reason for the words used in the verses, since no verse, no facts, and no words are given in the Gita as such, but seem to have been given with an implicit purpose. The verses of the Gita are sentimental, but their expressions have been difficult to understand, their expressions have also been expressed. According to the book, the utterances of Gita were not given in any Kurukshetra for war, because more than war motivation, non-violent and knowledge-intellect are strong things in Gita, which have nothing to do with war. According to the book, Bhagavad Gita is the dialogue of the revolution, which saved India and its countrymen from a great crisis. Therefore Bhagavad Gita is a historical document.
From the study of the said book, we will also start to understand the subjects of Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, Smritis, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Buddhacharit, etc., how they are related to each other, and what is their subject. Because the Gita is the original scripture of all these, without understanding the Gita, their originality will not be understood. In the book, the chapters of Gita and their verses have been classified, so many statements of Gita have been shown to be confirmed by other sources as well. The writing work of the book generally appears neutral and impartial. The book is completely based on scientific and theoretical approaches. Therefore, there is no support in the book of supernaturalism, divinity, divinity, blindness, theism, reasonless-ness, and devotionals, and neither is there any support for the facts directly or indirectly in their favor, but the natural phenomenon has been understood naturally. Because the Gita does not establish theism, devotionals, and any religious beliefs, but through its expressed revolutions, it shows the welfare of the country and the countrymen, by understanding this we can know the history, religion-philosophy, and historical characters of that time properly.
The language of the book is simple and interesting to read and rhythmic. Along with those who know history and religion-philosophy, this book can prove to be informative for all the readers and can open many doors of new information related to history, religion-philosophy, etc. It can increase the knowledge of Sanskrit, and also for those scholars who do research on Vedas, Puranas, Mahabharata, etc. A lot more can be learned from this book along with the eschatology of the Gita. This book has more content than our expectations and curiosities.
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