• Bilvapatra Treasures of Indian Art
  • Bilvapatra Treasures of Indian Art
  • Bilvapatra Treasures of Indian Art
  • Bilvapatra Treasures of Indian Art
  • Bilvapatra Treasures of Indian Art
  • Bilvapatra Treasures of Indian Art
  • Bilvapatra Treasures of Indian Art

Bilvapatra Treasures of Indian Art

Author(s): Prof. M.N.P. Tiwari
Publisher: Research India Press
Language: English
Total Pages: 360
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 4,500.00
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Binputnic The Train of Indian Art in a wolume, which felicitates De NP Joshi, the living legend in the field of Indological Seodies specially Indian Art and Iconography Keeping in view the malo dicered coombenons of De Joshi, the volume is designed as a garland containing probing research papers on TATION apets. These are from emment scholars of Indian Art and Iconography from India and abroad. The contributors like Gourishwar Bhattacharya, Gerd R. Mevissen, Peter Flagel Doris M. Srinivasan from abroad and M. A. Dhaky, Rai Anand Krishna, R. C. Agrawal, Ratan Parimoo, Devangana Desai, Devendra Handa, P K. Agrawal, Kint Mankodi, Haripriya Rangarajan, R. D. Choudhury, GB. Deglarkar, Shridhara Andhare, A. 1. Strastava, TP Verma, Y. K. Mishra, Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Kumud Kanitkar, Susmita Pande, Anjan Chakraverty, Sitaram Dubey, A. K. Singh, Irawati, Jayalakshmi Yegnaswamy and others from India have contributed on potent and enigmatic areas of Indian Art and Iconography.


About the Author

Dr. Maruti Nandan Pd. Tiwari (h. 1949) SA. Ph.D, Professor in the Department of History of Art, Banaras Hindu University and has headed the Department for three terms under the rotation system. His publications deal extensively with different aspects of Indian act and iconography specially Jaina art and iconography He has many books to hit credit including Jans Pratima (Hindi) Elements of Jaine Lography, Ambika in Jan Art and Literature, Khajuraha Ke Jains Parte (Hindo, Jess Kale Tithe Deegers (Hindi, t), Mallys Kalina Bharatiya Martikala (Hindi) & Jane Art and Aesthetic His academic purnits and publications have brought several honours and awarde to him. He was invited by the President of India to Rashtrapati Bhavan twice. He was awarded Acharya Narendra Deva Puraskar by Hindh Samathan (UP) and Indira Gandhi National Raj Bhasha Award (Delhi). He has been invited for lectures, including Keynote Address at SOAS (London) and at University of Candiff, UK; Nehra Centre, London and Berlin University (Germany).

Prof. Kamal Giri Hon Director, Jaans-Pravaha Centre for Cultural Studies and Research, Varanasi has completed her education - M.A. in Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, History of Art and Ph. D. from Banaras Hindu University After completing her 33 years of teaching assignment she retired from the Department of History of Art, Banaras Hindu University. Alongwith teaching she has a good experience of museum work as Asstt. Curator in Bharat Kala Bhavan Museum of Art and Archaeology, Banatas Hindu University Prof. Giri published more than 100 research papers and several books to her credit on different aspects of Indian Art and Culture and presented papers in seminars and conferences in India and abroad.

Her publications are awarded by Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, Hindi Sansthan, Lucknow (UP) and Hanuman Prasad Trust, Kolkata. The publication entitled Madhyakalma Bharatrya Martikala, in joint authorship, was presented to President of India at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. She has been the Editor of the prestigious publications like Chhari Rai Krishnadas Felicitation Volume (1981). Khajuraho in Perspective (1994), KALA- Journal of Indian Art History Congress (1995-2006), Treasures of Indian Art-Suresh Neotia Collection (2006) and at present editing Jaana-Pravaha Research Journal. She has been recipient of UGC, ICHR and Nehru Trust for Victoria and Albert Museum, London research projects. Recently she has completed UGC major project on Terracotta and Painting in Kal. She visited Hong-Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and U.S.A. in connection with academic purposes. She has been the convenor of the UGC Panel- History of Art and Nodal Person, Carriculum Development Committee at UGC, New Delhi.