• Chicago Addresses
  • Chicago Addresses
  • Chicago Addresses
  • Chicago Addresses
  • Chicago Addresses

Chicago Addresses

Author(s): Swami Vivekananda
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama
Language: English
Total Pages: 72
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 100.00
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It seems you might be asking for addresses in Chicago related to Swami Vivekananda, a renowned Indian spiritual leader who visited the city in 1893 for the Parliament of the World's Religions. During this time, Vivekananda delivered a famous speech that introduced Hinduism and his philosophy to the Western world.

Here are some key addresses connected to Swami Vivekananda in Chicago:

1. The Parliament of the World's Religions (1893)

  • Address: 2301 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL (at the time, this was the location of the Art Institute of Chicago where the Parliament was held).
  • Significance: Swami Vivekananda delivered his famous speech at the Parliament of the World's Religions here on September 11, 1893. This event is one of the most iconic moments in his life, where he addressed a global audience on the unity of religions and the importance of religious tolerance.

2. The Vivekananda Vedanta Society

  • Address: 9 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL
  • Significance: This building is associated with the Vedanta Society of Chicago, which Swami Vivekananda helped establish. The Vedanta Society has its roots in the teachings of Vivekananda and continues to spread his message in Chicago.

3. Swami Vivekananda’s Stay in Chicago (1893)

  • During his visit in 1893, Vivekananda stayed in several places, including modest accommodations near the center of the city. Although his exact addresses during this time are less documented, Chicago’s Hampton House and places near the South Side are often cited as places he frequented.

4. Swami Vivekananda Memorial

  • Address: The Swami Vivekananda Memorial is located at Jackson Park, close to the Museum of Science and Industry, in Chicago.
  • Significance: This memorial is dedicated to his memory and the impact he had during his time in Chicago.