This book focuses on all the stages of a child's development, from birth till he grows into his teens. Its covers physical, cognitive and social development, with a special chapter on children with special needs.
As a baby grows, so his or her routine changes. This book addresses many of the problems that parents likely to face as their infant develops into a toddler and a school- goer. It also deals with nutrition, health, childhood illnesses, and firstaid and immunisation programmes.
For the years from both to physical maturity, every child goes through vanous stages of progress - growing, gaining new abilities, and mastenng new skills. The timing of these stages can act as a guide to parents, reassuring them that all is well if the child is 'on schedule', and giving advance warning of possible difficulties if he is not.
Given the night conditions the correct food, parental love and understanding any baby who has no mental or physical disability will develop a normal character and be able to take his place on equal turns with other children.
Ability is born with the baby: it is inherent. But a child's environment largely determines how that ability develops, and this environment - the home life - is in the control of the parents. A baby starts to react to his environment from the moment of birth.
This book takes a look at all that a child needs while growing up-from nutrition, skin-eye-teeth care to the special care and attention during an illness. Emotional and psychological problems as well as teaching your child the valuable lessons in good manners are also dealt with. The book also covers issues on immunisation and first aid. This book is intended for mothers and would-be-mother who can take guidance in bringing up their children.
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