• Enlightenment: Through Humanity and Spirituality
  • Enlightenment: Through Humanity and Spirituality
  • Enlightenment: Through Humanity and Spirituality
  • Enlightenment: Through Humanity and Spirituality
  • Enlightenment: Through Humanity and Spirituality

Enlightenment: Through Humanity and Spirituality

Author(s): Dr. Hari Prasad Kanoria
Publisher: Srei Foundation
Language: English
Total Pages: 360
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 300.00
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Dr. Hari Prasad Kanoria, LLB; Advocate, Calcutta High Court was born India on 11th Januuary 1942. He completed his education from Presidency & St. Xavier’s College and Bachelor of from Colcutta University.

Dr. Kanoria has got vast experience in diversified business and industries starting his caree from his family business. He has pioneered and guided the strategic development & growth of SREI, the premier Holistic Infrastructure NBFC and Shristi Infrastructure to make it the leading Infrastructure Development companies.

He is the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of “Business Economics”, a premier global fortnightly magazine is totally comprehensive and inclusive covering industry, business, economy, world, India, health, women, children, youth, rural India, environment, kitchen garden and Enlightenment – a journey within through service.

He is the founder Chairman of Srei Foundation, Institute of Inspiration and Self Development (IISD), Srihari Global School, Acid Survivors Foundation Indian and World Confluence of Humanity, Power and Spirituality.

He is the crusade for humanity, education, service and social upliftment, spirituality in life, spirituality @work, welfare of women, happiness, health, peace and harmony. He is a great philanthropist and a social reformer.

He had also held several important Government assignments like Director of Unite Bank of India, Director WBIDC, Lok Adalat Judge and others.

He was awarded the “Global Man of the Year 2015” at 3rd Annual Global Officials of Dignity (G.O.D.) Awards, held in Augist 2015 at the United Nations in New York. The highest recognition conferred to an Individual for exemplary contribution to Humanity.



Enlightenment through Spirituality, Unity and Divinity Dr. Hariprasad Kanoria, Has been working on the theme of Humanity, Power and Spirituality, In fact. He has been struggling to inject these ideas in his students of Business Ethics in SREL, an institution for management courses, established by himself.

Humanity, in its altruistic sense, is nothing but the aggregation of all the best elements of human civilization. ‘ Civilization’, said Swami Vevekananda, ‘is the manifestation of divinity in man.’

Power comes not from food, or wealth, or Royal Politics, but from the infinite within. Did Chirist and Buddha possess wealth or power? Power or strength comes from the divinity within, says Kena Upanishad- Atmana Vidayate Viryam.

Spirituality is the sources of all power, highest knowledge, deathless life, and infinite bliss. Spirit means anything non-material. Every material object, according to Einstein, is limited by space and time. Everything Spiritual or non-material is therefore infinite in dimension. To awaken the infinite spirit within us is what is called Spirituality or Spiritual Culture. Swamiji insisted that Spiritual Culture brings out the best qualities, even in the depressed, enslaved and demoralized human beings. His immortal word, “Teach every man his own real nature. Goodness will come, glory will come, purity will come, strength will come, and all that is excellent will come when the soul is roused to self-conscious activity”.

To awaken the infinite bliss, consciousness and knowledge among people, Dr. Kanoria has made a long spititual-intellectual journey along the course of history, right from the days of Upanishads and Gita, though the life & message of world teachers like Buddha, Christ, Rama, Krishna, Guru Nanak, and later historic-personalities like Ramakrishna- Vivekananda. Many other spiritual gurus and spiritual teachers have also been included.

Swamiji’s dream was to inject the eternal spiritual ideas in all spheres of life, education, life and business and more so in the ritualistic religions. Dr. H.P. Kanoria is trying to spreads and infuse, in his own way, the three pivotal values of humanity, power and spirituality.

The presence of the infinite within the finite, the basic interconnectedness of the finite, the basic interconnectedness of the finite with the infinite, is one of the greatest conclusions of the Quantum Physics, is one of the greatest conclusions of the Quantum Physics. Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel Physicist, has expressed this Upanishads truth-Atman= Brahman. This eternal truth has been echoed in al spiritual traditions- the finite man contains within himself infinite potentiality of God. Upanishads called it “Aham Brahmasmi”. The Bible says, “The Kingdom of God is within”, or “I and my “as Jin Satan” (fiery devil), because he refused to respect the divinity of Adam. Sufis call this truth “Anal Hague” (I am the truth). Buddha taught that Buddha is not a man. It is a state of Realization into which everyone can enter.

Spirituality brings unity and Interconnectedness of the macrocosm and microcosm, God and man. What is ethics? It springs from a spontaneous acceptance of the basic unity of man & God, man, & man, nation & nation, religion & religion. Spirituality brings this unity and enriches humanity with Christ-like power, Buddha-like compassion, and Guru Nanak’s devotion to Almighty, Islamic respect to brotherhood of all followers. This is the lasting way to peace through love and fellow felling.

Upanishads show us that people who were involved in managements and leadership in society, like kings and soldiers, in spite of extreme business in life, possessed in life, possessed and preached teacher of management, has now come forward with these ideas in his own way.




Chough humanity & spirituality
About 13
Meditation-Chakra-Kundalni 17
Meditation- Jainsim 28
Mediation-Sikhism 37
The Truth of all Religions 43
Why deperssed? Why weep? Why be an addict? Talk to God 58
Rishi sri Aurobino 65
Fakir Laln Shah 73
Vishwarkabi Rabindranath Tagore 79
Guru Nanak - The Grace Eternal
"I love God alone who prevades in all." Guru Nanak 86
Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda 94
Guru Gobind Singh 102
Lord Vishnu incarnates as Govinda 110
Lord Shiva-Bhole Baba 125
Lord Rama 132
Lord Krishna 139
Look, Look, Look! Mother Mahalakshmi descends 145
Be merry, be blissful- Baba Shiva marries Maa Uma 159
Mother of Universe Adi Shakti-i 163
Mother of Universe Adi Shakti-ii 171
Mother of Universe 178
Mother Saraswati 189
Vinabadni Devi Saraswati 195
Mother Laksmi-The Goddess of Wealth 200
Ganesha Chaturthi 206
Swami Vivekenanda-The Great spritiual and socio-economic reformer 212
Youth! "Awake, Arise, Fear Not, Be like a Lion-Swami Vivekananda 220
Swami Vivekenanda's call to the nation 226
Swami Vivekenanda's thoughts on women 232
Teachings of Ramkrishna Paramhansa Deva 239
Mother Kali lived with Sri Ramprasad 245
Hinduism-The eternal, Universal tolerance,
Hinduism- The eternal, univessal tolerance, acceptance and righteouseness 253
Islam 262
Lord Buddha- Buddhism 269
The life of Job'Ye judge not the judgment of God'- Jesus Christ 277
Talk and live with God with intense and unconditional love 283
Kumbh Mela 292
Human Rights and Spirituality 298
Brahma kumaris- A Spiritual Inspiration 304
Unity in Diversity of Relgions 311
The Holy Mother Sari Sarada Devi 315
God responds to fervent prayer in love 322
Meditation-Christainity 330
Meditation in Islam 337
Meditation-Lord Buddha 345
Meditation - Swami Vivekananda 352