• Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics by Shahpurshah Hormasji Hodivala
  • Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics
  • Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics
  • Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics
  • Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics
  • Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics
  • Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics

Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics

Author(s): Shahpurshah Hormasji Hodivala
Publisher: D.K. Printworld
Language: English
Total Pages: 373
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 895.00
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AT the Annual Meeting of the Numismatic Society for 1915, the suggestion was advanced that "So much work has now been done on the coins of the Sultans and Emperors of Delhi that further progress will depend on the efforts of specialists in the co-ordination of information available from known coins, and in historical research. There is still a wide field in the study and elucidation of those passages of the Indian histo- rians which relate to numismatics in general." The Secretary then proposed that a list of histories containing such informa- tion should be made, and that the work of collecting passages bearing in any helpful way on the study of coins and their mints should be divided among members of the Society, each member taking one historian. This suggestion was adopted by the meeting and the Secretary was asked to take early steps to carry it into effect. The outcome of the resolution was remarkable. During the ensuing year there appeared in the J.A.S.B. Numismatic Supplement No. XXVII three articles from the pen of Professor S. H. Hodivälä: The Bijapur Rupees of 1091 A.H., The Gulkanda Rupees of Shahjahan," The Meaning of Tanki, elucidating problems in Mughal Nu- mismatics hitherto unsolved, by references to original sources. At the next Annual Meeting of the Society the President, allud. ing to the suggestion made for constructive work by the Society" in the previous year was able to point to "Mr. Hodi- vālā's notes "specimens of the first fruits." During the as next five years appeared a series of further articles all written on the same lines.