• Modern Physics and Vedanta By Swami Jitatmananda
  • Modern Physics and Vedanta
  • Modern Physics and Vedanta
  • Modern Physics and Vedanta
  • Modern Physics and Vedanta
  • Modern Physics and Vedanta

Modern Physics and Vedanta

Author(s): Swami Jitatmananda
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan
Language: English
Total Pages: 158
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 340.00
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Swami Jitatmananda (Born 1941). Is a monk of the Ramakrishna order. He worked in the Mission's various centers as headmaster, and principal, Deputy director of the Schools of Foreign Languages in the Hyderabad center, as the editor of the Prabuddha Bharat, the monthly English journal started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896. He was incharge of the six massive rehabilitation township programes for the cyclone affected people of Andhra Pradesh (1990) and Gujarat (1998), in Saurashtra and Bhuj - Kutch region and took up a massive rehabilitation project worth Rs. 3 crores for the quake - affected people of the region in 2001.

Swami has written eight books:
1. Swami Vivekananda: Prophet and Pathfinder 2. Modern Physics and Vedanta 3. Holistic Science and Vedanta 4. Indian Ethos for Modern Modern Management 5. Science, Ethics, and Holistic Values 6. Swami Vivekananda epoch - maker spiritual 7. Value Education 8. Immortal India (a book of nine short plays on Indian Heritage)
Since 1986 the Swami has been representing India and various international conferences held in New Delhi. He also visits universities and institutions of scientific research and speaks on the co-relation of science and spirituality. In 1999 he acted as the chairman of the last session in the National Science Summit held in Bangalore. On invitation he visited Singapore and Malaysia (1994), and again Hong Kong, Australia, Fijio and New Zealand (1995) where he spoke in some forty institutions on Vedanta, Modern Management and Modern Science. In 1998 the Swami Went, on invitation from the Government of Sri Lanka, to give peace talks in Colombo, and other major cities of Sri Lanka. In 1999 the Swami was chosen by the Government of India to represent India in the International Millennium Celebration organized by Chicago Mayor at Chicago Mayor at Chicago, Thereafter he lectured in New York, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Berkeley, Sacramento, Portland, Hollywood, and other cities, and had interview with Physicist John A. Wheeler in Princeton. In August 2000, he was invited by the United Nations for the Millennium World Peace Summit of the Spiritual and Religious leaders of the world, where he spoke on the Neo-Hinduism of Shri Ramakrishna in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations.

THE Bhavan's has published three of his books namely : (i) "Modern Physics and Vedanta, (ii) Holistic Science and Vedanta and (iii) Science Ethics, Holistic Values' under Bhavan's Book University Series.


  Dedication v
  Foreword vii
  Preface to the Third Edition & Editions ix
1 Whither Physics Today 1
2 Vivekananda Interprets Vedanta to the West 9
3 The Quest for the Ultimate Building Block of the Universe 23
4 The Uncertainty Principle and the Omnijective Reality 37
5 Relativity and Maya 53
6 Intuition - the Common Basis of Science and Vedanta 69
7 Vedic Cosmology and Modern Astrophysics 89
  Epilogue 109