Natural Healthcare at Home is a must for any home with small children. In our modern-day, quick-fix world we have come to rely heavily on antibiotics and chemical drugs which can suppress the immune system and subject our children to short-term side-effects and long-term consequences. We have forgotten just how effective and reliable are the common, natural remedies used by generations before us. Herbalist and lay homeopath Kathy Duerr has successfully nursed her own three children without the use of pharmaceutical medicine. What she has to offer here are tried and tested physician-endorsed natural remedies for treating minor illnesses without, having to resort to chemical drugs.
The answer to these and many other problems is as easy as opening this book. We know that when your child is crying and miserable you need help immediately, you don't have time to search through long complicated explanations - you need simple, quick, down-to-earth advice from one parent "who has been there" to another.
Kathy Duerr lives in Portland, Oregon with her three children. In addition to managing the bookshop at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine for the past twelve years, she is a gardener, florist, herbalist, energy worker and a lay homeopath.
This is a great book, concise, and accurate. Doctor Mom's Quick Reference Guide to Natural Healthcare at Home is just what it says it is, a quick reference guide to the treatment of the most common conditions that affect babies, children, and even adults. Every home should have this book. I have authored a few books on the care of babies and children and have gone to pedantic and boring lengths, afraid that I might leave something out. Kathy Duerr gives the reader the essentials. Mothers and caretakers of children can be assured that Kathy has tried all these remedies on her own three children with great success. The best recommendation I can make for the book is that these remedies work.
As a pediatrician, before I learned about natural ways of assuaging disease, I gave antibiotics for most throat and ear infections. This only seemed to allow these infections to recur. I was not letting the child's immune system learn from infection. Not a thing was said in my medical school about these natural methods. Thanks for helping me, Doctor Mom.
Lendon Smith, M.D.
Author of How to Raise a Healthy Child
At the age of 22, I became aware that there was a healer inside of me, struggling for a way of expression. My initiation into healing was through gardening. As the plants in my garden called and spoke to me, I found a love I did, not know I was capable of. In no time at all I was growing herbs, unaware as to how powerful they were and how they would shape a life for me that I live to this day. Following a strong desire to improve my lifestyle by eating organic food and growing my own plants for medicine, I began planting a little garden. As I learned to use plants for healing, I realized that I wanted to care for my own family without depending on pharmaceutical preparations. Even then it was common knowledge that over-the-counter products can be risky, many times causing side effects that have to be dealt with on top of the original symptoms.
I undertook the task of educating myself in the ways of the barefoot doctor, including growing, harvesting, and preparing plants for medicine. Not long after I began this journey, I started having babies of my own and began to practice what I was learning. I was fearless and self-assured, using plain, simple, old-time remedies that worked every time. All three of my children were born at home with midwives, using natural medicine. We used herbs, homeopathy, and hydrotherapy during my pregnancies and births. It is possible to care safely for your family using the natural medicines recommended in this book and to feel comfortable and confident while doing so. Trust yourself as a mother to feel the needs of your child. Using these simple remedies will help you regain your inner gift of healing. This book is my gift of support to all the mothers who prefer not to resort to over-the-counter drugs and pharmaceuticals for the everyday medical care of their families.
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