• Rajatarangini of Kalhana: A Study of Socio-economic and Political Conditions (3138 BC to 1149 AD)
  • Rajatarangini of Kalhana: A Study of Socio-economic and Political Conditions (3138 BC to 1149 AD)
  • Rajatarangini of Kalhana: A Study of Socio-economic and Political Conditions (3138 BC to 1149 AD)

Rajatarangini of Kalhana: A Study of Socio-economic and Political Conditions (3138 BC to 1149 AD)

Author(s): Dr. K. Venkateswarlu
Publisher: Ravi Publishing House
Language: English
Total Pages: 120
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 250.00
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Rajatarangini of Kalhana: A Study of Socio-economic and Political Conditions (3138 BC to 1149 AD)

Introduction to Rajatarangini The Rajatarangini, written by the Kashmiri historian Kalhana, is a monumental work that offers a detailed historical narrative of Kashmir, spanning from its legendary beginnings to the 12th century AD. The text is crucial for understanding the political, social, and economic conditions of Kashmir during various periods. Kalhana, an aristocrat and a scholar, based his work on earlier sources, oral traditions, and his own observations. The Rajatarangini is divided into eight books, and it covers the history of kings and rulers, social customs, and the economic practices of the time.

Timeframe: 3138 BC to 1149 AD Kalhana’s Rajatarangini includes a broad temporal span from the mythical era (3138 BC) to the period of his own writing in the 12th century. The early sections of the text are based on legends and traditions, while the later portions are more grounded in historical events and figures. The period covered in the text provides a valuable lens into the evolution of the socio-political and economic conditions of Kashmir.

Socio-economic Conditions

  1. Agriculture and Rural Economy:

    • The economy of Kashmir, like most ancient societies, was primarily agrarian. Kalhana mentions extensive cultivation of rice, wheat, and other cereals, with irrigation being a key factor in maintaining agricultural productivity.
    • The land was generally fertile, and irrigation systems such as canals and water tanks were crucial for maintaining agricultural stability. The government played an essential role in land management, which was integral to the state’s economy.
  2. Trade and Commerce:

    • Kashmir was strategically located on trade routes, and it had a thriving economy based on both internal and external trade. It was connected with regions such as Central Asia, Tibet, and the rest of India, facilitating the exchange of goods, including wool, saffron, and timber.
    • Kalhana's text also describes the existence of marketplaces and trading towns. Traders from various regions visited Kashmir to trade goods, and certain commodities such as wool and silk were highly prized.
  3. Craftsmanship and Industry:

    • The Rajatarangini also describes Kashmir as a center for skilled craftsmanship. Kashmiris were renowned for their production of fine textiles, woolen products, carpets, and metal works. The state’s economy benefitted significantly from these industries, especially with the export of these goods to neighboring regions.
  4. Social Hierarchy and Class System:

    • The society in Kashmir was structured hierarchically, with a clear distinction between the ruling elites, religious figures, and the common people. The Rajatarangini mentions the high status of Brahmins, who were not only religious leaders but also influential in the political and social spheres.
    • Other social classes included the Kshatriyas (warriors) and Vaishyas (traders), with the Sudras being at the bottom of the social pyramid. The caste system was deeply embedded in the social structure, and much of the administrative and religious practices were influenced by this division.
  5. Religion and Philosophy:

    • The religious landscape of Kashmir during the period covered by the Rajatarangini was diverse. Hinduism and Buddhism coexisted for much of the time, with Hinduism gradually becoming the dominant religion.
    • Kalhana mentions several dynasties that were patrons of Buddhist monasteries, though the rise of Hinduism led to a shift in the religious practices of the region. The interaction between Hinduism, Buddhism, and local traditions influenced the socio-cultural fabric of Kashmir.

Political Conditions

  1. Monarchy and Rulers:

    • The political system of Kashmir was a monarchy, where the king had absolute authority, and was often seen as the divine ruler. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini focuses extensively on the lives of these kings, their military campaigns, and their governance.
    • Kings such as Avantivarman, Lalitaditya, and others are described as powerful and influential rulers who significantly shaped the political landscape of Kashmir.
    • The political history is marked by various dynasties, including the Karkota, Utpala, and Lohara dynasties, which each brought their own set of challenges and accomplishments to the region.
  2. Military and Warfare:

    • Kalhana’s account also reflects the importance of warfare and military might in the political sphere. The kings of Kashmir were often engaged in territorial expansion and defense. Large armies were maintained, and the kings used both military strength and strategic alliances to maintain their rule.
    • The Rajatarangini describes significant battles, both won and lost, and the impact of these conflicts on the stability of the region.
  3. Administration and Governance:

    • The rulers of Kashmir had a highly centralized system of governance, with the king at the top, supported by ministers, bureaucrats, and military leaders. Kalhana describes a well-structured administrative system, where local rulers or feudal lords were accountable to the central authority.
    • The monarchy was also deeply involved in religious and cultural matters. Kings often patronized temples, monasteries, and religious rituals to consolidate their power and legitimize their rule.
  4. Decline and Invasions:

    • The political history of Kashmir is also marked by periods of instability. The later portion of the Rajatarangini describes the decline of the powerful dynasties and the rise of feudalism. The Utpala dynasty, for example, faced challenges from internal dissension, while the Lohara dynasty struggled with external invasions.
    • The region faced several invasions during this period, particularly from foreign powers like the Turks and the Ghaznavids, which contributed to the weakening of Kashmir’s political power.