• Sudarshan Chakra Padhati and Role of Separative Planets for Married Life - Motilal Banarsidass #author
  • Sudarshan Chakra Padhati and Role of Separative Planets for Married Life - Motilal Banarsidass #author
  • Sudarshan Chakra Padhati and Role of Separative Planets for Married Life - Motilal Banarsidass #author
  • Sudarshan Chakra Padhati and Role of Separative Planets for Married Life - Motilal Banarsidass #author

Sudarshan Chakra Padhati and Role of Separative Planets for Married Life

Author(s): Deepak Bhardwaj
Publisher: Sagar publications
Language: English
Total Pages: 120
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 170.00
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Sudarshan Chakra Padhati is a very old Vedic method of studying the chart for predictive astrology. This book covers various examples for different problems in married life. This whole book is divided into two parts:-


  1. First part is about introduction and rules and combinations:- It deals with the basics and main principles of SCP (Sudarshan Chakra Padhati) and astrology.


  1. Second part is about various examples:-


    • Widowhood:- These examples (2nd and 3rd) throws light on the conditions and planetary positions and role of separative planets as per SCP system for loss of spouse and houses considered for studying this are 2nd and 7th bhavas.


    • Divorce (Male and Female):- 4th and 5th examples deal with this subject indicating as to, how infant and old (avasthas), degrees of planets/ dispositors, separative planets cause divorce. Besides, the placement of lord of 2nd house and lord of 7th house in 6th, 8th and 12th house gives problems of separation and divorce to natives having these combinations.


    • Issueless and divorcee (Male and Female):- 6th and 7th examples explain as to how with all other conditions being same, weakness of 5th house and its lord and aspect of separative planets on 5th house gives childlessness.


    • Late Marriage and Unmarried Male Natives:- these examples explain about the natives who are having late marriage due to the separative planets and remains unmarried due to the various planetary combinations. In these examples role of separatives are upon 2nd and seventh house are important to study and maximum houses of the chart helpful for marriage are disturbed and having not sound degrees.


    • Love Marriage:- 10th example deals with love marriage of the male native (by his choice) due to the various combinations of planets as explained from the Moon and the Sun lagna.


    • Late Issue:- 11th and 12th example deals with the late issue (child birth) for male and female natives as per SCP due to the weak 5th house and its lord due to the principles explained in the book.


    • Example 13th explains about the impotency of husband of a female native due to the planetary combinations in the chart.
    • Example 14th deals with the chart of a native who has two broken engagements before marriage due to weak 2nd and ]th house and placement of lord of 7th house also lord of 12th house in 7th house.


    • Example 15th deals with chart of the lady who is not having sound relations with the mother in law due to the role of separative planets and weakness of 4th and 10th houses.


    • Inter Caste Love Marriage:- Example 16th deals with the chart of a male native who had love marriage with the girl of different caste; this chart is also analysed with the help of transit.


    • Example 17th deals with the chart of a female native who had married an NRI as in her chart the lord of 7th house is placed in 12th house in Lagna Chart.


    • Example 18th deals with the chart of a native who has been through two unsuccessful marriages due to divorce and who had extra-marital affairs due to the debilitated Venus being in 12th house and weak 2nd and 7th houses which are helpful for married life.


    • Example 19th explains about the chart of the native having quarrels and bickering with the wife due to the weak 2nd and 7th house and mars+saturn conjunction in the 12th house.


    • Early death of parents of the native:- 20th example deals with the chart of the native in which due the weakness of 4th and 9th house and its lord how this gave early death to father and mother of the native.


    • Native having not completed his basic school education:- 21 st example deals with the chart of a native who due to weakness of 4th and 5th house could not complete his basic school education.


    • Foreign Settlement:- 22nd example deals with the chart of the native who got permanently settled in Canada due to the aspect of lord of 1st, 3rd and 11th houses of his chart upon the 12th house.


    • Sensible Husband:- 23rd example deals with the chart of a person who is having vargottama navamasa of jupiter and mercury, which makes the native wise and sensible and gives him good married life.

This book so simply presents the principles of married life analysis that astrologers or even a layman can apply rules of this book to equally benefit. I am very much thankful to Mr. Narinder Sagar Ji of M/s Sagar Publications, Delhi for inspiring me to write and publish this book.




Author's Word xi
1 Lagna and 12 Houses 1
2 Widowhood 26
3 Widower 33
4 Female Divorcee 39
5 Male Divorcee 44
6 Issueless Divorcee: Male Native 48
7 Issueless Divorcee: Female Native 52
8 Late Marriage: Male Native 56
9 Unmarried: Male Native 60
10 Love Marriage: Male Native 65
11 Late Issue of Child to his wife for Male Native 68
12 Late Issue of Child to Female Native 72
13 Impotent Husband 76
14 Male Having Two Broken Engagements 80
15 Female Having Not Sound Relations with Mother in Law 83
16 Male Having Inter Caste Love Marriage 87
17 Female Native Married to an NRI 93
18 Male Native Having Two Unsuccessful Marriages and Extra Marital Affairs 97
19 Male Native Having Bickering and Quarrels with Wife 103
20 Male Native Whose Father and Mother Died in Younger Age 107
21 Female Native Has Not Completed Basic School Education 111
22 Male Native Settled in Canada 114
23 Male Native Having Happy Married Life 116