• Astrology and Pseudo Scientific Criticism by Gayatri Devi Vasudev
  • Astrology and Pseudo Scientific Criticism
  • Astrology and Pseudo Scientific Criticism
  • Astrology and Pseudo Scientific Criticism
  • Astrology and Pseudo Scientific Criticism
  • Astrology and Pseudo Scientific Criticism

Astrology and Pseudo Scientific Criticism

Author(s): Gayatri Devi Vasudev
Publisher: Raman Publications
Language: English
Total Pages: 78
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 175.00
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There have been strong attacks against astrology and objections to it being described as science in some sections of the scientific fraternity following the University Grants Commission's February 2001 proposal to introduce astrology in the Universities. The criticism has done little to hurt astrology and its case but has exposed the bias and ignorance behind these attacks. Most times, the arguments against astrology appear to be based, not on what astrology is but on what its critics assume it to be. Such assumption is invariably based on bias, prejudice, misinformation and of course, ignorance.

 Several well-meaning friends and admirers of the Father of Modern Astrology, DR. B.V. RAMAN, suggested to me that it was important to convince those who decry astrology of its scientific nature. Much as I respect them and their appreciation and concern for DR. RAMAN'S life-long crusade for astrology, I do not see the need to make any attempt in this direction. For the simple reason, science stands on its own merits as science and does not rest on certification by anyone. This is true of astrology. Anyone with honest respect for truth must sooner or later recognize astrology as a science.

 I have, in the following pages, made an attempt to expose the hollowness and invalidity of such attacks. It is an unfortunate reflection on the degree of prejudice against astrology that even crude lies have also been made a part of the anti-astrology campaign. I have brought to light certain unpalatable and unpleasant facts concerning such concoctions. The material in these pages appeared earlier in THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE.

 Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev is the Editor of THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE the world's foremost and most authentic journal on Jyotisha or Hindu astrology with an international readership. She was actively involved for nearly 27 years with DR. B.V. RAMAN until his death in 1998 in his mission to bring astrology into the comity of sciences. She continues his mission. She is also the national Vice President of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences founded by DR. B.V. RAMAN in 1984 to organize the study and practice of astrology.

 Gayatri Devi Vasudev's predictions in THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE include the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the election of George Bush (Sr.), Ramakrishna Hegde's chief ministership and subsequent loss of power, Benazir Bhutto's prime ministership and exit, the "end of the Rajiv era", the return of Benazir Bhutto, the re-election of Bill Clinton, the death of King Hussain of Jordan, the formation and continuance of the BJP led Government in India, the Kargil war, the prime-ministership of A.B. Vajpayee, etc., etc., the fire in the Bharatpur arms-depot, violence in Lanka, Nawaz Sharief's exit and military rule in Pakistan, the 26th Jan. 2001 Gujarat earthquake (The A.M., Jan. 2000), the earthquakes in Central America, Russia and Central Afghanistan (The A.M., Jan. 2000), the defence scams (Jan. 2001), the Labour Party's victory in 2001, Khatami's return to power in Iran, Meghawati Sukarnopoutri's ascent to power, etc., etc.

Gayatri Devi Vasudev has authored many books on astrology that include Clues to Interpreting Charts (under print), The Art of Matching Charts, Practical Horary Astrology, and How to Judge a Horoscope — Volume II. She has brought out a collection of papers under the title Astrology and the Hoax of "Scientific Temper" in which she endeavours to point out the unscientific stance of scientists against astrology. She has compiled the book Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes covering DR. B.V. RAMAN'S pioneering work in forecasting weather and earthquakes based on principles of astrology. She has also edited Astrology, Vastu and Architecture, a collection of papers presented at the First All India Conference on Vastu held in Bangalore in June 1995 and organized by the Raman and Rajeswari Research Foundation.