Prof. Dr. P.H. Kulkarni is well known Ayurvedic Physician, research Guide in Ayurveda, University of Poona, Director, Institute of Indian Medicine / Ayurveda Academy, Editor of seen journals including ‘Deerghayu International; author of twelve books related to ayurveda. Worked as president, Secretary, Treasurer of many Ayurvedic, Medical and Social Organizations at national and international level. Dr. Kulkarni have established Ayurvedic Centers in many countries of the world and traveled extensively for propagation and education of Ayurveda. Prof. Dr. Kulkarni is recipient of many international awards including Pax mundi Fellowship (Dag Hammarskjold) awards committee)
Study of Ayurveda is eternal. One can try understand Ayurveda in one’s life. It seems very difficult. Hence it is beneficial to study Ayurveda every day, every life.
Whatever I understood about Ayurveda, during last 44 years, I tried to write it. In this book salient features about diagnosis are considered as described in ayurvedic Treaties and recent research references are given for benefit of interested persons.
Chikitsa (Treatment) of other diseases, Ayurveda Dravyavidnyan, Philosophy, healthy life and such other books are in press.
Be Ayurveda help every body to be always happy!
1) | Tridosha Vikruti (Tridosha Pathology) | 9-16 |
2) | Doshagatee (Directions of Dosha) | 17 |
3) | Doshanam Vruddhikshyalakshanani (Aggravated / Decreased symptoms of Dosha | 18-21 |
4) | Prakupita Doshanam Karmani ( Functious of Aggravated Doshani) | 22-24 |
5) | Dhatu Mala Vruddhi Kshaya Lakshanani (Agrravated / decreased symptoms of dhatu / mala) | 25-26 |
6) | Rogani (About Diseases) | 27-30 |
7) | Rogi Pareekshavidhi (Examination of Pataint) | 31-36 |
8) | Roganam Utpatti Vibhaga (Disease Formation) | 37-44 |
9) | Roganam Karanani (Aetiological Factors) | 45-56 |
10) | Janmabalpravrutta Vyadhi (Congenital Anomalies) | 57-62 |
11) | Vegavrodha (Suppression of Natural urges) | 63-72 |
12) | Srotodushti (Vitiation of Channels) | 73-82 |
13) | Agni (Enzyme Energy) | 83-85 |
14) | Agnimandya (Low fire energy) | 86-90 |
15) | Aharak Karanani | 91 |
16) | Aama (Toxic Compound from Food) | 92-96 |
17) | Samprapti(Pathogenesis) | 97-105 |
18) | Roga Pratikar Kshamata (Defence Mechanism) | 106-108 |
19) | Differenrential diagnosis | 109-125 |
20) | Appendices | |
1 | Reaserch References | 126 |
2 | Therapeutic Index | 129 |
3 | Glossary | 130-133 |
4 | Bribliography | 134-137 |
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