About The Book:
Thousands of years ago Ayurveda described multiple levels of the radial pulse that could be used to interpret the status of the organs and systems of the body as well as the mental and physical constitutions of the individual. For the first time in the west, this book presents this ancient area and provides a method by which anyone can learn to read his or her own pulse. Imbalances and potential disease states can be detected in their early stages, giving one the opportunity to correct them before they affect the quality of life. With practice and guidance, one can acquire the proficiency to use this knowledge to heal self and others.
This book will give guidelines to think about various ways of feeling, reading and gathering information through the pulse. It is quite difficult to put the subjective experience into words. It is an attempt to express these simple ways of feeling the pulse.
This book is an excellent attempt in the right direction and is written in a well-organized manner aided by several useful illustrations. The author has done justice to Ayurvedic terminologies by not translating them into their closest English equivalents, thereby retaining originality. C.K. Katiyar Herbal Drug Research Ranbaxy Research Labs, Gurgaon, Haryana
This book based on the principle mentioned in the ancient texts of Ayurveda is an asset to physicians, students and teachers of Ayurveda. A thorough reading of the book will give various ways of feeling, reading and gathering information through the pulse. This book will prove a milestone in the development of Ayurveda. - Dr. Anup Kumar Gakkhar
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