• Destination Moksha: A Journey through Yoga Vaasishta
  • Destination Moksha: A Journey through Yoga Vaasishta

Destination Moksha: A Journey through Yoga Vaasishta

Author(s): Iswardas
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
Language: English
Total Pages: 331
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 560.00
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Can anyone dispute that humans flounder in the muck of the fickle, irksome life? Hence, will they not be interested in leading a contented, sans souci life? Contextually, can one curb one’s craze to peruse parables, anecdotes, and stories woven within stories?

Suppose one wishes to have all the answers to the above in a single stroke. Then, one can savour this book, a storied Spiritual Coup based on the Yoga Vaasishta. Turn the pages enjoyingly, and say bye to life’s torments.

In a departure from the available primarily word-by-word Yoga Vaasishta translations, the present delineation selects a story demonstrative of each section’s quintessence. It also employs a novel, vivifying classroom interaction, with the students’ questions and the teacher’s clarifications. This book provides a window to the intriguing moments and enduring imageries as:

“Time and changes are all conceptions brought about by imagination in the absolute consciousness. Don’t we sometimes experience a moment as a hundred years in the dream?”

“Like a pair of birds, they glided in the air. The dancing planetary and stellar constellations looked like a sea roiling with the wavy undulations.”

“She acquired extraordinary yogic powers; she could contract her body to an atom, enabling her to fly. She could even enter the stones and elements, shedding her form to masquerade as others.”

“Men can be conquered even by children if bound by affinities. Haven’t you seen a mirror losing its faculty of reflection when water spreads inside?”

“He could envision himself lying dead. He saw his body lying inert as Jiva had escaped the lump of flesh and taken to the burial place, tainted by the grime of fat. It was made into ash by the igniting fire in the pyre there.”

About the Author:

After spending much time in the financial sector, Iswardas eventually became a bank's CEO. Even while serving the bank, he did not forget to carry on, sans fanfare, his passions like philanthropy, travelling, writing, etc.

Now acting as a freelance advisor to a few corporates/groups, he uses his free time to engage in the above activities with greater zeal.

Thus, he continues to participate in the working of a few organizations by contributing to their altruistic activities.

Simultaneously with this has been his fascination with visiting far-off, exotic, and remote places and countries and meeting people of varied cultures and traditions.

Added to all the above has been his unbounded enthusiasm for pursuing his foremost interest-writing.

As a corollary, the lasting impressions created by the myriad experiences and situations encountered during these activities appear to have transcended his chronicles like the mirror reflections with great verve.

A mention of his accidental but tutored dive into the vast ocean of Vedanta and like philosophies about some time back would be contextually relevant here. This unremitting venture has enabled him to delve into their deeper recesses and catch a glimpse of the arcane, latent import of a few priceless pearls of wisdom. No wonder this rare insight has also transfused ineluctably to some of his latest didactic narratives.