Resurgent Dharma

Resurgent Dharma: Understand,Practice,Promote by Nikul Joshi
  • If Dharma is the essence of conduct, Adharma is the essence of misconduct
  • Pervaded by scriptural maxims & parables, this book discriminates properly between the two means, Dharma & Adharma, to acquire your ends.
  • To bear the pain of truth is supreme courage
  • Politics is an expedient to establish Dharma. If it does not, it is not politics but a morass of ignorance
  • What constitutes true worship of the gods? Following their command, none else. Worshiping the gods and not following their instructions is not true worship. It is not even worship. It is hypocrisy.
  • Family is the soul, society is the body. Without the soul, the body does not exist. Preserve the family and it preserves society

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