No word can express my feeling of indebtedness to my parama. rådhya guru, Pandita T.S. Srinivasa Sastri under whose feet I studied the Sambandha-pariksi of Acārya Dharmakirti along with the Commentary of Prabhācandra.
My career of Sanskrit learning began at Raiganj (Dist. West Dinajpur, West Bengal), my home-town. It was 1956 when I came in contact with a great traditional Sanskrit Scholar, Pandita Sita- kanta Acarya of Madhusudana Catuspathi, Raiganj. It was Pandita Acarya, the great scholar of Mugdhabodha-vyakarana and an embodiment of poetic genius, who initiated me into traditional learning and encouraged me with all his fatherly affections for deeper and higher Sanskrit learning. As a token of my deep sense of gratitude, therefore, I dedicate this volume to him.
My students have been my constant source of inspiration. It is only while teaching them Indian logic I developed keen interest in the problem of philosophical relations. The present volume is an exercise of that interest. I bless them all.
While preparing the Press copy, Dr. Ujjwala Panse, Dr. Nirmala Ambiye, Dr Arun Ranjan Mishra, and Dr. Bhagyalata Pataskar, all my students and colleagues, have helped me. I am thankful to all of them.
Miss Sunita Nagpal, Mr. Valvi and Mrs. Bhalerao had typed the Press Copy. I am indebted to them. I thank from the core of my heart Mr. Sunil Gupta, of Indian Books Centre, for bringing out this volume and I am indebted to his whole family for treating me with honour and affection. May The Almighty Lord Siva bestow choicest blessings on the entire family!
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