A Comprehensive History of india Vol-3 by Henary Beveridge

A Comprehensive History of india Vol-3

Author(s): Henary Beveridge
Publisher: D.K. Printworld
Language: English
Total Pages: 902
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 3,500.00
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Published in 1862, Beveridge’s A Comprehensive History of India is an important landmark in the historiography in modern India. In writing it Beveridge did not trust to previous compilations but derived his materials as much as possible from original and official sources. Written after due research in a perspicuous style, Beveridge has narrated the history of India beginning with its earliest period and continued to be mutiny of 1857, thus making his history a complete and comprehensive history of India. Besides, Beveridge’s interpretation of history is more objective and impartial than many historians of India who wrote before and after him. As a result it became possible for Beveridge to see the many events of Indian history without being biased. That is why Beveridge will find today more readers than, say, historians like Mill’s and Vincent Smith. “