Agni Purana occupies an important place among the most popular works in the Mahapuranas exceptionally for its scientific tracts. It is also called Agneya-Purana and is narrated by Suta (Lomaharsana), a disciple of Vyasa, who received it from Vasistha to whom it was communicated by Agni. It consists of sixteen thousand stanzas distributed in three hundred and eighty-three chapters. The contents of this Purana clearly show that it has no sectarial leaning. It impartially treats of Vaisnava, Saiva and Sakta form of worship. It is more a compendium of Sanskrit learning than the advocacy of any particular form of religion. The early chapters of this Purana describe the Avataras and in those of Rama and Krsna, avowedly follow the Ramayana and Mahabharata. The chapters on medicine, materia medica and pharmacy as well as those on the treatment of elephants and horse diseases are highly interesting. Besides an exhaustive account of paravidya and the science of Brahman occurs in this Purana. It is a very interesting account and will prove highly useful to the readers. It can virtually be regarded as an encyclopaedia of Hinduism, teaching as it does among others many subjects such as cosmogony, religion, law and much legendary matter etc. which, to a Hindu, assumes the value of history and geographical matter such as description of various places of pilgrimage. This Purana also teaches archery, medicine, rhetoric, prosody and grammar.
It is first time that an authentic English translation of M. N. Dutt includes the Sanskrit text. The old usage of English version has been replaced by the corresponding modern usage in order that the contents of the translation may be easily made out even by a layman. The terminology of Indian medicine is given correctly, as well as in the end of the Purana, the index of Slokas is given for ready reference of the readers.
The subject-matter:
The Purana which describes the occurrences of the Isana Kalpa and was related by Agni to Vasistha, is called Agneya. It consists of sixteen thousand stanzas distributed in three hundred and eighty-three chapters. The Puranas have obtained the name of Pancalaksana because their contents generally embrace five topics namely (1) Primary creation or cosmogony, (2) secondary creation, (3) genealogy of gods and patriarchs, (4) reigns of the Manus, (5) history of the solar and lunar dynasties.
The definition does not however necessarily signify that the Puranas exclusively deal with these topics only. On the contrary, every Purana dwells at length on one or more particular subjects and in some, these five primary topics occupy a very subordinate position. Our remark is particularly applicable to Agni Purana more than three-fourths of which have no connection however with the five principal topics. In the introduction Suta describes the subjects of knowledge and therefore, the subject matter of this Purana, is two-fold-namely Paravidya, sacred knowledge or theology and Apara Vidya, profane knowledge or the arts and sciences known to the people. The subject matter of the Agni Purana is thus described in the Introduction :-
Agni said - Visnu is the fire of universal dissolution and I am Rudra. I will communicate unto you the essence of learnings, the Purana, that is that is the cream of all sciences and the cause of all; (13) [Containing an account of] creation and dissolution, of various families, periods of Manu and genealogies. The Lord Visnu assumes the forms of fish, tortoise etc. There are two sciences, superior and inferior. a twice born one, the Vedas, Rk, Yajuh, Sarna and Atharvan, the six auxiliaries of the Vedas, namely (Siksa), the science of proper articulation and pronunciation, (Kalpa) ritual or ceremonial, (Vyakarana) grammar, (Nirukta) etymological explanation of difficult Vedic words (Jyotisa) astronomy, (Chandas) science of prosody, (Abhidhana) lexicon, Mimamsa, Dharma Sastras, Puranakas, Nyaya, medical science, musical science, the science of archery and political economy - these all are the inferior sciences. The superior science is that by which Brahma is comprehended (14-17). I will describe unto you the great Purana, Agni, containing the great and eternal science of Brahma, that which is invisible, incomprehensible, stable and eternal; and is the cause of fish and other forms, recounted unto me by Visnu and unto the celestials in the days of yore by Brahma (18- 19).
The general character: In the general treatment of the subjects the author, however, docs not stick to the five principal topics which should constitute a Purana. He even loses sight of the two-fold knowledge, divine and secular set forth by him originally in the introduction. He has introduced a number of topics, useful to men, without any system or method. His work is more like an Encyclopaedia, containing a variety of useful topics bearing on later Sanskrit learning for Vedic rituals are seen no where in the book.
The contents of this Purana clearly show that it has no sectarian leaning. It impartially treats of Vaisnava, Saiva and Sakta forms of worship. It is more a compendium of Sanskrit learning than the advocacy of any particular form of religion. It is classed among the Tames or the delusive division of the Puranas, Professor Wilson thus remarks on the general character of this Purana,
"From this general sketch of the Agni Purana it is evident that it is a compilation from various works; that consequently it has no claim in itself to any great antiquity, although from the absence any exotic materials, it might be pronounced earlier, with perhaps a few exceptions, than the Mahomedan invasion. From the absence also of a controversial or sectarian spirit, it is probably anterior to the struggles that took place in 8th and 9th centuries of our era between the followers of Siva and Visnu. As a mere compilation however, its date is of little importance, except as furnishing a testimony to that of the materials of which it is composed. Many of these may pretend no doubt to considerable antiquity, particularly the legendary accounts of the A vataras, the section on regal policy and judicature and genealogical chapters, how far the rest may be ancient is perhaps questionable, for there can be little doubt that the Purana and comprehending such incongruous admixtures, is not the entire work as it at first stood. It is not unlikely that many chapters were arbitrarily supplied about 8 or 9 centuries ago and a few perhaps even later, to fill up the chasms which time and accident had made in the original Agneya Purana."
He again remarks in his introduction to the Visnu Purana :-
The cyclopaedical character of the Agni Purana, as it is now described, excludes it from any legitimate claims to be regarded as a Purana and proves that its origin cannot be very remote. It is subsequent to the ltihasas, to the chief work on grammar, rhetoric and medicine and to the introduction of the Tantrik worship of Devi. When this latter took place, is yet far from determined; but there is every probability that it dates long after the beginning of our era.
The materials of the Agni Purana are, however, no doubt, of some antiquity. The medicine of Susruta is considerably older than the ninth century an the grammar of Panini probably precedes Christianity. The chapters on archery and arms and on regal administration, are also distinguished by an entirely Hindu character and must have been written long anterior to the Mahomedan invasion. So far the Agni Purana is valuable, as embodying and preserving relics of antiquity, although compiled at a more recent date.
Summary: Professor Wilson gives the following summary of the contents of this Purana which will give our readers some idea of the numerous subjects treated of in this work.
The early chapters of this Purana describe the A vataras and in those of Rama and Krsna, avowedly follow the Ramayana and Mahabharata. A considerable portion is appropriated to instructions for the performance of religious ceremonies; many of which belong to the Tantrik rituals and are apparently transcribed from the principal authorities of that system. Some belong to mystical forms of Saiva worship, little known in Hindustana, though perhaps, still practised in the south. One of these is the Diksa or initiation of a novice: by which with numerous ceremonies and invocation, in which the mysterious monosyllables of Tantras are constantly repeated, the disciple is transformed into a living personation of Siva and receives, in that capacity, the homage of his Guru. Interspersed with these are chapters descriptive of the earth and of the universe, which are same as those of the Visnu Purana; and Mahatmyas or legends of the holy places, particularly of Gaya. Chapters on the duties of kings and on the art of war then occur, which have the appearance of being extracted from some older work, as is, undoubtedly, the chapter on judicature, which follows them and which is the same as he text of the Mitaksara. Subsequent to these we have an account of the distribution and arrangement of the Vedas and Puranas and in a chapter on gifts, we have a description of the Puranas, which is precisely the same and in the same situation, as the similar subject in the Matsya Purana. The genealogical chapters are meagre lists, differing, in a few respects, from those commonly received, as hereafter noticed, but unaccompanied by any particulars such as those recorded or invented in the Markandeya. The next subject is medicine, compiled, avowedly, but injudiciously from the Susruta, A series of chapters on the mystic worship of Siva and Devi follows; and the work winds up with a treatise on rhetoric, prosody and grammar according to the Sutras of Pingala and Panini.
Date:It is extremely difficult to find out exactly the period when this cyclopaedic work was written. It was undoubtedly written long before the Mahornedan invasion. "The chapters, twelfth to fifteenth, in which a synopsis of the Rarnayana and Mahabharata is given, conclusively prove that the work was written long after Ramayana and the Mahabharata and at a time when those works had become very old and abstracts of them, were likely to be prized by the general readers." This is the view of Dr. Rajendra Lala Mitra. Besides many mystic rites, mantras and ceremonies, with which this Purana teams and many of which are entirely obsolete now and thoroughly inexplicable clearly prove its antiquity. The mantras are generally of the Tantric type. It may be that this work might have been written after Tantric form of worship had been introduced in this country. The likely inference is that this work was written after the Tantric period and as the author wanted to make a compilation or the history, mythology, rites, ceremonials, etc., of the Hindus for the information of the general readers he gave an account of many obsolete ritres and mantras that were in vogue in very ancient time.
Important topics: The numberless obsolete rites, ceremonials and mantras described in this Purana, are of no interest to a general reader. But the chapters on medicine, materia medica and pharmacy as well as those on the treatment of elephants and horse diseases are highly interesting. Besides an exhaustive account of Para-vidva and the science of Brahma occurs in this Purana. It is a very interesting account and will prove, without doubt, highly useful to the readers. The chapters on Law-Courts, Judicial Officers, evidences, inheritance, boundary and other disputes, etc., may not be very useful to those who arc familiar with the law literature or the Hindus codified by Manu, Mitaksara etc., but they will afford a very profitable and interesting study to the general readers who have not the time and patience to go through those voluminous treatises. The subject of training in the use of arms and armour is treated in four chapters; of these archery is principally dealt with. These chapters are highly interesting and their abstracts will be found in Dr. Wilson's "essay on the Art of War as known to the Hindus." Dr. Rajendra Lala Mitra thus writes on the subject of Gaja Ayurveda and the veterinary art treated of in this Purana.
"The subject is named Gaja Ayurveda and is explained by one called Palakapya and the latter, instead of addressing Susruta, makes Lornapada, king of Anga, the receiver of his instructions. At the close of chapter 291 Agni distinctly says that the instructions regarding horses had been imparted by Salihotra to Susruta and those regarding elephants had been communicated by Palakapya to the king of Anga; the obvious infcrenee is that the two names indicate not the same but two different persons.
In the next chapters Dhanvantari again takes up the thread of the discourse and dwells at some length on the value of the horse as a vehicle and proper times and modes of using the animal. He concludes by saying that he would quote the words of Salihotra on the good and bad points of horses and on the veterinary art. Accordingly chapter 288th is devoted to the quotation in question. Salihotra is said to have been a Rsi of great renown who had acquired the veterinary art from the celestial horse doctors the two Asvins and had written the first book on the subject for human use. His work has not yet been met with, but an abridgement of it by Nakula, the fourth of the Pandu brothers, is still current and veterinary art is in India indicated by the name of the Rsi. The vernacular form in northern India and also in Bengal is Saluteri and the practitioner of the art Saluter. In the reign of Ghiasuddin Muhammad Shah Ghilzai, A.H. 783-A.B. 1381, a Sanskrit work, styled Salotar appeared in a Persian dress under the name of Kurrat-ul-mulk and extended to 41 pages. Even before that, an Arabic version had appeared under the name of Kitabul Baitarat and subsequently in the reign of Shah Jahan a Persian translation was prepared of a Sanskrit work named Salotorai which extended to 16,000 slokas. There is nothing however to show whether the original of any of these three versions was the work of Salihotra or a later compilation on furriery. Seeing that the word Saloteri is now become a common noun for furriery, I am of opinion, that the Persian versions were not taken from the original work of Salihotra, but from a later compilation and this is confirmed by the fact of the originals of the three versions having been of very unequal lengths. It is doubtful if the verses quoted in the Agni Purana retain the ipsissima verba of Salihotra or are para- phrases."
Chapter 1.Customary Salutation. Conference between Suta and Sanaka. Suta volunteers a narration of the Agnipuranam, as disclosed to him by the holy Vyasa, who in his turn learned it from Vasistha. Enumeration of the different branches of learning dealt with in the present Puranam. | 1 |
Chapter 2.The Fire-God narrates to the holy Vasistha, all about the Fish-manifestation of the Supreme Visnu. | 5 |
Chapter 3.The God of Fire describes the Tortoise incarnation of Visnu and the incidents of his life on earth. | 7 |
Chapter 4.The same continued. | 12 |
Chapter 5.The Fire-God gives a summary of the Ramayana. The preparation of the sacrificial Payasha-The birth of Rama and his four brothers-The sending out of Rama and Laksmana by their father to defend the sacrifice of the holy Visvamitra against depredations by Raksasas-Rama destroys the monsters Tadaka-Rama and Laksmana accompany the holy sage Visvamitra to the bow-sacrifice of Janaka, the king of Mithila-Rama breaks in twain the redoubtable bow-Marriage of Rama and his brothers with the princesses of that principality-Their return to Ayodhya with their newly married brides. | 14 |
Chapter 6.Narada takes up in the thread of the narrative-Proposed installation of Rama on the throne of Ayodhya-The necessary preparation for the inauguration ceremony-Conference between the queen Kaikeyi and her hand-maid Bharata as the crown-prince of the realm-Dasaratha is the forced to comply with her request as bound by a previous oath-Rama, Laksmana and Sita are sent in exile-Dasaratha relates to Kausalya the incident of his killing a Muni's son in the forest and of his curse-The death of Dasaratha-Bharata returns to Ayodhya-His expostulations with Rama in the forest to resume his birth-right-Rama's refusal-Bharata's stay at Nandigrama as the proconsul of Rama. | 18 |
Chapter 7.Narada proceed with the story-Rama receive celestial weapons from the holy sage Agastya-He leaves the hermitage of the latter and repairs to the forest of Dandaka-The monstress Surpanakha meets Rama in the forest and courts his love-Her desire to devour Laksmana and the beautiful Sita-Disfigurement of her person by Laksmana-Surpanakha sees her brother Khara in her disgrace-Khara attacks Rama with his Raksasas and is killed-Surpanakha plans revenge with her brother Ravana, who sends Marica to entice away Rama from the cottage, in the form of a golden deer-Ravana carries away Sita in his island home in the interim-The bird-king Jatayu fights Ravana on the way and is killed-Rama kills Kabandha, who freed of curse, advises him to make a common cause with Sugriva | 22 |
Chapter 8.Rama's lamentation on the banks of the Pampa-His meeting with Sugriva-Rama pierces the seven Tala trees with a single shaft and kills Dundubhi-Rama kills Bali and confers his wife Tara and the kingdom of Kiskindha on Sugriva-The latter sends out soldiers in all directions in quest of Sita-The monkey soldiers return and disclose to Rama and Sugriva all they have gathered from Jatayu, about the whereabouts of the beautiful Sita. | 23 |
Chapter 9. Hanuman leaps over to Lanka and finds her out in the forest of Asoka-Conference between Hanuman and Sita, who gives him a jewel as a memento-Hanuman sees Ravana and perpetrates heavy damages to the city and her mango-groves-Hanuman crosses over to India and communicates the news to Rama, with Angada and others-Rama repairs to the ocean-shore, gets a bridge constructed with the advice of the Ocean-God, makes friend with Vibhisana and enters Lanka with his troops. | 25 |
Chapter 10.Rama sends Angada to Ravana demanding the surrender of Sita-Ravana declares war-The war described-Ravana, in his disaster arouses his brother Kumbhakarna out of sleep-The fail of the Raksasa-generals in succession-Ravana meets Rama in a single combat. The fail of Ravana and the meeting of Rama and Sita-The installation of Vibhisana on the throne of Lanka-Rama's return to Ayodhya with Sita and Laksmana in the aerial car, Puspaka. | 28 |
Chapter 11.Agastya sees Rama and narrates to him a history of the birth of Ravana and his brothers, Laksmana slays the monster Lavana-Bharata slays the Gandharva Shailashu-The exile of Sita-The birth of two sons of Rama-His accession to heaven. | 30 |
Chapter 12.The God of Fire describes the birth of Krsna in the womb of Devaki-Krsna exchanged with the daughter of Yasoda for fear of Kamsa-The prophecy relates to Kamsa about the growth of his future destroyer-Kamsa sends Putana, a she-demon to kill children all round-The childish freaks of Krsna and Balarama in Gokula-Incidents illustrating the early prowess of Krsna-Krsna destroys Putana, the serpent Kaliya, the demons Dhenuka, Gardhava, etc. Krsna revives the Vedic sacrifices-goes over to Mathura in the company of Balarama at the instance of the pious Akrura-Krsna kills Kamsa in a single combat, defeats Jarasandha and annexes his kingdom with the domain of Vasudeva-Krsna founds the city of Dvaraka and marries sixteen thousand wives-Krsna forcibly carries away from heaven the mountain of gems and the Perijata tree and plants them in the garden of Satyabhama-Receives lessons from the holy sage Sandipani and brings back to life the son of the latter-List of sons begotten by Krsna and Baladeva-The marriage of Usa and Aniruddha-The battle between Hari and Siva-Balabhadra draws to him the river Yamuna by force-The happy life of Krsna and Rukmini-Innumerable progeny of Krsna. | 31 |
Chapter 13.The God of Fire gives a genealogy of the sovereigns of the race of the Moon-The birth of the Kurus and Pandavas-The early and wicked stratagems of Duryodhana-The marriage of Draupadi-Arjuna receives a car and celestial weapons from the Fire-God-The burning down of the forest of Khandava-The conquest of new kingdoms by the Pandavas-Yudhisthira with his brother and wife, lives incognito in the house of Virat-Bhima kills Kicaka for insulting the modesty of Draupadi-Arjuna defeats the Kurus attempting to life the cattle of Virat-Abhimanyu, a son of Arjuna marries Uttara, the daughter of Virat-Yudhisthira levies soldiers-The embassy of Krsna-Krsna counsels war. | 35 |
Chapter 14.The armies of the Kurus and the Pandus meet in the memorable field of Kuruksetra-Krsna exhorts Arjuna to do his duty by fighting out his consanguineous enemies-The battle ensues with varied results to both the parties-The fall of Duryodhana-The assassination of the five sons of Draupadi by Asvatthama-Arjuna's retaliation-Cessation of hostilities-The survivors retire from the field of strife-Yudhisthira performs obsequies to his deceases agnates; and receives advice from Bhisma as to the duties of a king and those leading to Salvation-Yudhisthira confers his crown on the infant Pariksita. | 38 |
Chapter 15. The story continued-Dhrtarastra takes to the life of a hermit-Death of Vidura-The annihilation of all Kurus and the Yedavas, the monsters incarnate-Death of Krsna and Baladeva-Cowhers carry away the wives of Krsna-Arjuna breaks the news of Krsna's death to Yudhisthira-Yudhisthira is translated to heaven in the car of Indra. | 40 |
Chapter 16.The God of Fire describes the incidents in the life of the Buddha incarnation of Visnu-Buddha, an incarnation of illusion and nescience-The mission of his life was to wean the hearts of demons, incarnate as men, from the true faith as revealed in the Vedas-All distinction of caste will cease in the end of Kaliyuga-Kalki, the last incarnation of Visnu-The merit of perusing the life histories of the divine incarnations. | 43 |
Chapter 17.The God of Fire describes the creation of the universe-Brahma is unmanifest and self-existent-Creation of the subtler principles of Mahat, Ahankara, ether, mind, etc.,-Water is the first material element created, in which the Egg of Brahma was afloat-Creation of created time, speech and mental propulsions with their counterparts-Creation of the physical forces, Saddhyas, Devas and of the seven immortal sages-The splitting of the body of Brahma (Animated cosmic matter) into two-Origin a sex. | 46 |
Chapter 18.The God of Fire describes the ancestry and birth of Dhruva-Dhruva, metamorphosed into a star-The sons and progeny of Dhruva-Birth of Prthu, the founder of the race of Ksatriyas-Milching of the Earth by Prthu-The sons and progeny of Prthu-The birth of Daksa, the mind-born-Daksa's daughter married to Dharma-The progeny of Dharma-The birth of stars-The eight Vasus and their progeny-The birth of the Rudras-Mahadeva begets sons of Sati. | 49 |
Chapter 19.The sons of Kasyapa-The birth of the twelve Adityas-The sons of Kasyapa by his wife Diti-Hiranyakasipu, Prahlada, Virocana, Bali-The sons of Hiranyaksa-The birth of serpents-The Maruts-Appointment of different gods to preside over different things and beings. | 52 |
Chapter 20.The successive orders of creation, such as those of Mahat, Tanmatra, etc.-The creation of the sensibles and the senses-The Nitya, Naimittika and Dainandina creations-The sons of Bhrgu-The progeny of hell and vice-The marriage of Sati in her second incarnation. | 55 |
Chapter 21.The procedure of Visnu-worship. | 56 |
Chapter 22.The rite of ceremonial ablution to be performed before undertaking any sort of religious rite. | 58 |
Chapter 23.Narada describes the mode of worshipping, the god Visnu-The rite of purification of the material principles of the body of the votary, is described-The postures to be assumed in the course of the worship-The mantras and the articles of worship-The worship of the weapons and ornaments of the god-The rites of invocation and farewell-the peculiarities of the worship known s the Nava-vyuha Arcanam. | 59 |
Chapter 24.The rite of fire-Dimensions and structure of the fire-pit-The sacrificial spoon and laddle-their dimensions-The adjustment of the vessels and utensils around the sacred fire-pit-Their purification-The rite of Garbhadhana to be done unto the infant (newly kindled) fire-god-The subsequent post-natal rites to the same-Pouring of libations of clarified butter on the fire-The sacrifice of the sacrificial animal-The rite of the worship of Visvaksena. | 61 |
Chapter 25.Narada enumerates the mantras, respectively held sacred to the different manifestations of Vasudeva, such as Samkarsana etc.-The rites of Nyasa in connection with each of the mantras-The sacrifice of Visvaksena. | 65 |
Chapter 26.The Mudras (the posture of the hands and fingers) enjoined to be used in the course of a worship-Their structures and merit. | 68 |
Chapter 27.The rite of initiation-The preparation and purification of the sacrificial ground-The special procedure of the worship described-The prayer for the release and spiritualization of the animal propensities of his disciples-The transference of pure spiritual principles into the body of his disciple, by the preceptor-The rite of Adhivasa-The mode of completing the ceremony-The mantras to be used on the occasion-The mode of completing the rite of initiation-The process of pouring out the final libation-The mode of holding in perpetual check the animal propensities of the disciple-The rite of Sakala Diksa. | 69 |
Chapter 28.The rite of Abhiseka, preparatory to the attainment of Siddhis-The merit of erecting Pitakas. | 75 |
Chapter 29.The practice of mantra in a temple, subsequent to a worship of the God Hari-Delineation of the mystic diagram on the ground-Adjustment of the different Vijas in the chambers of the diagram-The worship of Para-Brahma (the Supreme Being) and of the Boar manifestation of Vasudeva, in the first lotus-Division of the alter into a number of chambers. | 75 |
Chapter 30.The mode of worshipping the different deities and spiritual beings in the different parts of the mystic diagram-The worship of Vasudeva and the presiding deities of the ten organs of sense-The worship of the twenty-six forms of Purusottama in the plane of the mystic diagram-The mantras of purification, etc. and the number of times they are to be repeated on the occasion-the rite of Purvasiva-The rite of Mantra-Purascara and the monthly Vratas-The rite of Dhyanam (meditation)-The forms of the God Hari, the gross, the Param (subtle) and the Virat (universal)-The Vija sacred to the god, supposed to be implanted in the heart in the form of a Kadamba tree-Attainment of Siddhis, such as Anima, etc. | 78 |
Chapter 31.The rite of Marjana (purification), its process-The mantras and the prayer to be practised and recited in connection with the rite. | 81 |
Chapter 32.The forty-eight Samskaras, such as Garbhadhanam, etc., the seven Vratas, the eight Parvana-sraddhas, the seven Hari-yajnas-The seven Somasanstha, such as Agnistoma, Hiranyamitra etc.-The practise of eight cardinal virtues-Number of times the principal mantras, such as the Saura, etc., to be repeated. | 84 |
Chapter 33.The right of Pavitrarohana (investing the image of the God Hari with the holy thread)-Its season and the characteristic features of the holy thread-The prayer to be repeated on the occasion-The Gayatri sacred to the god-The mode of offering the articles of worship to the deity and the Mantras specifically enjoined to be repeated on the occasion of restraining, by the votary, each of his twenty-five subtle principles of taste, sound, etc.-The rite of subsequent Nyasa and the purification of the body-Prayer, the worship and the Anga-puja, the final investure, the rite of Homa and the completion of the ceremony. | 85 |
Chapter 34.Decoration and purification of the sacrificial Mandala-The rite of Dvara Yajna (sacrificial rites performed at the doors of the Mandala)-Planting of different trees at the different gates-The rites of Nyasa, purification and protection against evil spirits and the worship of the guardian deities of the skies-The adjustment of sacrificial pitchers, the worship of Hari and the rite of final Homa. | 89 |
Chapter 35.The rite of the Pavitradhivasanam-Consecration of the sacrificial pitchers and the articles of worship, placed on the different sides of the votary, through the energy of the different manifestations of Visnu-The worship of Visnu, the concluding prayer. | 92 |
Chapter 36.The rite of Pavitrarohanam, sacred to Visnu-Collection of the offerings by the votary made by him on the previous day-The preliminary rites-The Namittika worship-Consecration of the pitcher and the Vardhini-The rite of self-protection-The offerings made to the major god-The final libations-The prayer, the Visarjanam and payment of Daksina to the preceptor. | 93 |
Chapter 37.A summary of the procedure to be adopted in all rites of Pavitrarohanam-The rite of purifying the articles of worship-The Invocation-The rite of formal investure-The same done unto the minor deities. | 95 |
Chapter 38.The merit of building and consecrating temples to the gods-Yama eulogises the merit of such endowments and exhorts men to faithfully carry out his injunctions. The merit of building golden temples. | 96 |
Chapter 39.Consecration of divine images-The Pancaratra school of philosophy-Qualifications of a priest officiating at such a consecration ceremony-The position of the divine images at the time-Location of temples, dedicated to the different gods in the different quarters of the town-The rules to be observed in building temples on grounds contiquous to each other-The rite of Bhumi parigraha (taking possession of a plot for the purposes of a divine edifice)-Purification of the site selected and the rite of the Bhutavali-The standard of linear measurement. | 98 |
Chapter 40.The procedure to be adopted in making Arghya offerings to the God-The history of Vastu Purusa-The construction of the mystic diagram (Mandala)-The process of worshipping the gods and the principles within its chambers-Description of offerings to be made to each of them-The location of Vardhini at the centre of he diagram-The offering of the final Arghya-The excavation of the foundation of the would be constructed temples-The rite of removing the Salya (charmed bone or metal)from underneath its site. | 101 |
Chapter 41.Rules to be observed in laying down the foundation of a divine edifice-Religious ceremonies attending on the act, are described-The dimensions of the bricks or stone slabs to be used in the construction-Hymns to the bricks-Hymn to the Earth Goddess-Excavations and their measurements-The accompanying rite of Vastu-yajna-The merit of building a temple-Doors and windows of temples are to open on different quarters of the sky according to their varied sites. | 103 |
Chapter 42.The structure of a divine temple or edifice. The plan of the ground-floor, the dimensions of the plinth, wall and the cornices-The rules to be observed in constructing entrance halls (Mukha Mandapas)and posterior chambers (Pascata Mandapas)-Dimensions of a temple, built according to the size of an idol to be installed therein-The construction of the vault, dome, top platforms and the ornamental appendages of a temple-Construction of Gopuras-Proportionate measures of an idol and its pedestal-The Garuda Mandapa with its eight pinnacles. | 106 |
Chapter 43.The rite of installing an idol in a temple-Description of temples of different structures in which the images of different deities are to be installed-Construction of a stone-image of Visnu-The rite of Sinha-Homa-The size of a stone-slab-Religious ceremonies to be performed in the wood before sculpturing the image | 108 |
Chapter 44.The essential points in an image of the god Vasudeva or of any other deity-Rules to be observed in sculpturing such an image. The measures of its different limbs and parts. | 110 |
Chapter 45.The essential points of a divine pedestal (Pindika) and its dimensions. | 114 |
Chapter 46.The characteristic traits of the different classes of Salagrama stone. | 115 |
Chapter 47.The process of worshipping a Salagrama. | 117 |
Chapter 48.Hymn to the twenty-four manifestations of the God Visnu. | 118 |
Chapter 49.The ten incarnations of Visnu, the characteristic features of their images. | 120 |
Chapter 50.Dimensions of the images of goddesses, their decorations, weapons and accompaniments. | 123 |
Chapter 51.An image of the sun-god, with the those of his companion deities-The different epithets of the luminary as he progresses from one to the other sing of the Zodiac-The colours of the goddesses who represent the energy of sun-The images of the regents of the planets and their characteristic features and equipment's-The gods of wind, fire and other elements and the animals they ride upon-Description of Ksetrapalas and other minor gods. | 127 |
Chapter 52.The Yoginis and the characteristic features of their images-The name of the Yoginis who preside over the different quarters of the heaven-An image of Krttivasa and its distinctive traits. Images of the Matrkas. | 128 |
Chapter 53.The essential points of a phallic emblem-Mode of sculpturing a phallic emblem-Its dimensions-The different classes of the emblem and their measures. The dimensions of the Pitha and its peculiarities. | 130 |
Chapter 54.The merit of worshipping phallic emblems made of different substances-The different classes of phallic emblems and their dimensions described in detail-Phallic emblems made of precious stones, their dimensions and the mode of chiselling them. | 131 |
Chapter 55.Pedestals of images-Their dimensions-Mode of carving water passages into the pedestal-The region of halo and its characteristics-The measures laid down in connection with the images of Visnu and Laksmi are to hold good in the case of all other gods and goddesses. | 136 |
Chapter 56.The rite of Dikpala Yoga-The five divisions of the ceremony-The mythical significance of putting an image on its pedestal-The decoration of the doors of the sacrificial shed with the twigs of tree and the disposition of priests at each of them-The mantras and rites of the sacrifice-The invocations and obeisances. | 136 |
Chapter 57.The rite of taking possession of the sacrificial ground (Bhu-parigraha)-Its mantras and rituals-Consecration of sacrificial pitchers. | 139 |
Chapter 58.The rite of consecratory ablution-The triumphal leading of the idol from the sculpture's shed to the sacrificial chambers-The installation of the image in the Mandapa accompanied by repetition of the proper mantras-rituals in connection with the divine toilette-The ceremonial ablution of the image-Its consecration offerings of fruits, flowers, perfumes and wearing apparels, etc., to the installed and imaged divinity. Exhibition of the divine insignia, such as umbrella, etc., by the Priest-The repose of the god in bed. | 141 |
Chapter 59.The of Adhivasanam (act of sitting close)-The rite of merging by an act of spiritual abstraction, the fundamental principles of the universe one into the other-The origin of the soul and universe described-The origin of the senses and an enumeration of the names of the gods who respectively preside over them-The formation of the material body of a man and an enumeration of the mantras which represent those material principles-The rites of Nyasa in connection with the Adhivasanam ceremony-The worship of Kesava and the different manifestations of the God Visnu-Offerings to the minor deities-The rite of Homa-Rites completing the ceremony. | 144 |
Chapter 60.Rite of installation of the pedestal of a divine image-Insertion of gems and bits of gold into the body of the same-The rite of Homa-Cleansing of the image with mantras and religious rites-the construction of a Sthandila (sand cushion for the sacrificial fire)-The stowing of the sacrificial pitchers into their places-The rite of subsequent Homa-Sprinkling of the water of peace over the head of the image-Women and Brahmanas are to pour out the contents of the sacrificial pitchers over the head-The formal placing of the image upon its pedestal-Washing of the idol with different substances-Worship and invocation-The rite of Sannidhyakaranam (the act of making the deity reside in the image)-The subsequent rites of worshipping the companion deities of the god-Nature of remuneration to be paid to the Priest officiating at the ceremony-The merit of installing and consecrating an image of Visnu. | 149 |
Chapter 61.The rite of Avabhrtha Snanam-The rite of first Homa and worshipping of the spiritual preceptor-Worship of Laksmi and other divinities-Consecration of a temple with doors previously consecrated-The rites of festooning and decorating the temple-The merit of planting a banner on the top of a divine temple-Rods and streamers are but the symbols of God and Nature and a temple is but the body of Visnu-Analogy between a temple and a human body-The rite of consecrating a temple by hoisting a flag from its top-The characteristic features of the flat-The placing of Cakras (discus) and Kalasas (conical ornaments) over the top pinnacle of a temple-The rites completing the ceremony. | 152 |
Chapter 62.Rite of consecration of divine images in general. | 157 |
Chapter 63.The rite of consecrating an image of Garuda, of Brahma, of Narasimha, etc.-The mantra sacred to each of them should be used in the ceremony-The mantras peculiar to the above said gods-The Patalaksa mantra sacred to the Narasimha manifestation of Visnu-The characteristic features of an image of Garuda and the mantra to be used in consecrating such an image-Ceremonies attendant on consecration of books and the mode of writing them-The merit of giving a book to a Brahmana-The merit of presenting books of the different schools of philosophy and sacred literature. | 158 |
Chapter 64.Consecration of tanks and ponds-The religious ceremony, attendant on such an act, described-Remunerations to be made to the Priest-Nature of offering to be made to the God Varuna-The Adhivasa ceremony in the night-The invocation and the rite of Homa and the mantras to be recited in pouring down the libations-The driving of the sacrificial post (Yupa) into the centre of the bed of the tank-The prayer to al created beings to confer blessing on its water-The merit of consecrating a tank c-a pond. | 161 |
Chapter 65.The mode of building Gopa as, etc.-The selection of site and the performance of the sacrifice of the Homestead, incidental thereto-The models after which the Halls are to be built-The objectionable sites-The merit of such an endowment-The way of constructing a Saptavaum Hall sacred to the god Hari (which is similar to that of constructing a royal palace)-The dimensions and characteristics of such edifices-The religious rites attending on the first entrance into such a mansion-Invocation to the earth goddess to bless the mansion. | 165 |
Chapter 66.Consecration of the images of gods and spiritual beings, such as the sun, etc.-The construction of the principal mantras, sacred to each of them-The vow of thirty days fast-The rite of accompanying Homa-The subsequent rite of worshipping the gods Brahma, Visnu and Isa-Libations to be offered to the souls of mountains, rivers and oceans-Gifts at the close of the ceremony-Another sort of penance, described-Endowment and Consecration of cattle paths, pasturages and fruit gardens-Their merit-The merit of constructing monasteries and buildings for the use of public in general. | 166 |
Chapter 67.The rite of Jirnoddharam (repairing an old image or replacing a disfigured idol by a new one)-The merit of performing such a ceremony, as well as those of dredging or re-excavating old wells, tanks and reservoirs of water in general. | 167 |
Chapter 68.Description of the feasts and the parading of an idol, etc., that are to be celebrated and made at the close of a consecration ceremony-The time of their celebration-Religious rites preceding such a Yatrotasavam (parading)-The parade and its goal described-The merit of attending and getting up such a pageant-The immersion of the idol in a river and taking it back to the temple. | 170 |
Chapter 69.The rite of Avabhrtha Snanam and its rules-Filling up the sacrificial pitchers with different substance and wheeling them into their proper positions in the shed of ablution-The Homa, in connection with the ceremony, after the anointment of the pitchers with clarified butter-The bathing of the god-The feast following close upon the ceremony and the merit of its performance-The subsequent worship of the goddess of Gauri. | 171 |
Chapter 70.The rite of consecrating trees and fruit-gardens-The merit of such a performance. | 173 |
Chapter 71.The worship of the god Ganesa. | 174 |
Chapter 72.The rites of daily ablution and offering of libations of water to the gods and preceptors-The sorts of ablution-Their process-The rite of Mala Snanam, Vasma-Snanam and Vidhi Snanam, Agneya-Snanam and Mahendra-Snanam-Occasions on which they are to be performed-The different forms of Sandhya and the mantras with which they are to be performed-The rites of Sakalikaranam and Pranayama-The image of the goddess for Sandhya. | 175 |
Chapter 73.The worship of the Sun-Its religious merit. | 179 |
Chapter 74.The worship of the god Siva-Evocation of his spiritual eye-sight by the votary previous to the worship the scaring away of evil spirits inhabiting the uppermost layer of the earth's crust-The mode in which the votary would have his ablution preliminary to the worship-The rites of samadhi-Karanam (invocation). Nyasa and Pranayama (controlling of respiration). | 181 |
Chapter 75.The rite of kindling the sacrificial fire (Vahni-Sthapana) at the close of the preceding worship. | 188 |
Chapter 76.The method of worshipping the image of Siva. | 195 |
Chapter 77.The process of worshipping the cow Kapila. | 196 |
Chapter 78 to 80.The process of investing a divine image with the holy thread. | 198 |
Chapter 81.The rite of spiritual initiation. | 209 |
Chapter 82.Samsakara-diksa or the rite of purifying initiation. | 217 |
Chapter 83 and 84.The process of illumining. | 219 |
Chapter 85.The union of the too fundamental principles of the universe. | 230 |
Chapter 86.The union of the Vidya-Kala and Pracina-Kala. | 234 |
Chapter 87.The union of a beatific knowledge and absolute peace. | 236 |
Chapter 88.The beatific principle of EntayEtrE-KalE. | 238 |
Chapter 89.The spiritual initiation of Tattviki. | 243 |
Chapter 90.The rite of Abhiseka. | 244 |
Chapter 91.The worship of Visnu, the sun and other gods. | 245 |
Chapter 92.The installation of a phallic emblem. | 246 |
Chapter 93.The construction of the divine edifice. | 252 |
Chapter 94.The worship of Caraki and her companions. | 257 |
Chapter 95 and 96.The installation of the phallic emblem. | 262 |
Chapter 97.The purification of the component principles of the body. | 272 |
Chapter 98.The process of installing the image of Gauri. | 279 |
Chapter 99.The process of installing an image of the Sun-God. | 281 |
Chapter 100.The rite of consecration. | 281 |
Chapter 101.The process of consecrating a divine edifice. | 282 |
Chapter 102.The consecrating of the pinnacle and banner. | 283 |
Chapter 103.The process of repairing or replacing a phallic emblem. | 286 |
Chapter 104.The general characteristics of a divine edifice. | 288 |
Chapter 105.The worship of the god of the homestead. | 290 |
Chapter 106.The foundation of a city and the rite of worshipping the Vastu. | 294 |
Chapter 107.The different continents of the terrestrial globe. | 296 |
Chapter 108.The seven great islands. | 297 |
Chapter 109.The greatness of the sacred pools and places. | 300 |
Chapter 110.The sanctity of the river Ganges. | 301 |
Chapter 111.The sanctity of the confluence of the rivers Ganges and Yamuna at Prayaga. | 302 |
Chapter 112.The sanctity of Banarasa. | 303 |
Chapter 113.The glory of the sacred stream of Narmada. | 304 |
Chapter 114 to 116.The glory of the sacred pilgrimage of Gaya. | 305 |
Chapter 117.The process of performing the Sraddha ceremony at gaya. | 317 |
Chapter 118.The topography of Bharatavarsa. | 323 |
Chapter 119.The topography of Jambudvipa. | 324 |
Chapter 120.The extent of the surface of the globe. | 326 |
Chapter 121.The Science of Astrology. | 329 |
Chapter 122.The Svarodaya-Cakra by which the success or failure of a particular undertaking should be first determined. | 336 |
Chapter 123.A Synopsis of the Science of Astrology. | 338 |
Chapter 124.The means of bringing about the death of one's own enemy. | 341 |
Chapter 125.The combination of good and evil asterisms. | 344 |
Chapter 126.The description of good and evil hours. | 349 |
Chapter 127.The contrivance of astrological counting known as the Ko-A Cakra. | 352 |
Chapter 128.The collection of food-grains during the appearance of portends. | 354 |
Chapter 129.Physical phenomena taking place under the influence of the different asterisms. | 355 |
Chapter 130.The Astrological Wheel by which victories or reverses in war can be foretold. | 357 |
Chapter 131.The Astrological Diagram for taking the nature and amount of services one would get from his relation. | 358 |
Chapter 132.The differentiating traits in the character of an infant. | 361 |
Chapter 133.The mantra which is irresistible in the three worlds. | 365 |
Chapter 134.The incantation for obtaining victories in the three worlds. | 366 |
Chapter 135.The Astrological Diagram for determining the success or failure of a journey. | 369 |
Chapter 136.The death or pestilence-brining charm. | 369 |
Chapter 137.The six sorts of charms. | 371 |
Chapter 138.The sixty different samvatsaras and the good or evil results thereof. | 373 |
Chapter 139.The drugs and articles of mysterious virtues. | 374 |
Chapter 140.The names of the thirty-six polyglot medicinal drugs. | 376 |
Chapter 141.The medicinal or curative incantations. | 377 |
Chapter 142 and 143.The process of worshipping goddess Kubjika. | 381 |
Chapter 144.The rites of Sodanyasa. | 384 |
Chapter 145.Trikhandi Mantras. | 388 |
Chapter 146.Description of the eight goddess. | 392 |
Chapter 147.The rite of Sadanga Nyasa. | 393 |
Chapter 148.The penance which grants victory in war. | 394 |
Chapter 149.The different Manus and their periods. | 395 |
Chapter 150.The tenets of faith and the laws of conduct during different Manvantaras. | 398 |
Chapter 151.The conduct of a Brahmana. | 400 |
Chapter 152.The rites and ceremonies of a house-holder. | 400 |
Chapter 153.The various forms of marriage. | 402 |
Chapter 154.The various daily rites. | 403 |
Chapter 155.The substances for purifying house-hold goods. | 406 |
Chapter 156 and 157.The nature and period of impurity. | 411 |
Chapter 158.The period of impurity upon a miscarriage of a foetus. | 417 |
Chapter 159.The condition of a person after death. | 418 |
Chapter 160.The duties of a Yati. | 421 |
Chapter 161.The characteristics features of the life of a Yati. | 423 |
Chapter 162.The various Codes of Dharmasastras. | 426 |
Chapter 163.Sraddha Kalpa. | 427 |
Chapter 164 and 165.Sacrifice in honour of the guardian deities of the planets. | 429 |
Chapter 166.The five virtues of men. | |
Chapter 167.The process of performing Graha-Yajna. | 431 |
Chapter 168.Interdicted rites and foods. | 434 |
Chapter 169.The atonement for sins. | 437 |
Chapter 170.The penance's for deadly sinners. | 441 |
Chapter 171 and 172.The most mysterious of the sin expiating rites. | 444 |
Chapter 173.The different acts of atonement. | 447 |
Chapter 174.The atonement for a sin due to an omission of worshipping an idol. | 451 |
Chapter 175.The fasts, ceremonies and penances. | 453 |
Chapter 176.The vratas which should be performed during the first phase of the Moon's wane or increase. | 458 |
Chapter 177.The vratas to be performed on the day of the second phase of the Moon's wane or increase. | 459 |
Chapter 178. The vratas which should be performed on days of the third phase of the Moon's wane or increase. | 461 |
Chapter 179.The vratas of the fourth phase. | 464 |
Chapter 180.The Pancami-vrata. | 464 |
Chapter 181.The Sasthi-vrata | 465 |
Chapter 182.The Saptami-vrata. | 465 |
Chapter 183.The Astami-vrata. | 466 |
Chapter 184.The worship of the Eight Matris on the eighth day. | 467 |
Chapter 185.The vratas to be performed on the ninth phase. | 469 |
Chapter 186.The Dasami-vrata. | 471 |
Chapter 187.The vratas to be performed in days of the eleventh phase. | 471 |
Chapter 188.The vratas to be performed on days of the twelfth phase. | 472 |
Chapter 189.The Sravana Dvadasi-vrata. | 473 |
Chapter 190.The vrata which is complementary to all other vratas. | 475 |
Chapter 191.Trayodasi-vratas. | 475 |
Chapter 192.The vratas to be performed on days of the fourteenth phase. | 476 |
Chapter 193.The Sivaratri-vrata. | 477 |
Chapter 194.The Asoka Purnima-vrata. | 478 |
Chapter 195.Vratas under various asterisms. | 479 |
Chapter 196.The Naksatra-vratas. | 479 |
Chapter 197.The Divas-vratas (during day). | 482 |
Chapter 198.Monthly vows. | 483 |
Chapter 199.Rtu-vratas or Season vows. | 484 |
Chapter 200.The vow for illuminating a divine edifice. | 485 |
Chapter 201.The nine-fold Propitiation. | 487 |
Chapter 202.The worship of Hari. | 488 |
Chapter 203.The fruits acquired by a man for worshipping Hari. | 490 |
Chapter 204.The vow of monthly fasting. | 493 |
Chapter 205.The king of all the vows. | 494 |
Chapter 206.The worship of the holy-sage Agastya. | 495 |
Chapter 207.The practice of the Kaumuda-vrata. | 497 |
Chapter 208.The process of making gifts on the occasion of vratas. | 497 |
Chapter 209.The piety accruing from making various vratas. | 498 |
Chapter 210. The sixteen great gifts | 1 |
Chapter 211. The gift of cows and buffaloes | 4 |
Chapter 212. The gifts made in different months | 9 |
Chapter 213. The gift of the whole earth | 12 |
Chapter 214. Nadicakra or the system of veins, nerves and arteries | 13 |
Chapter 215.The Omkar Mantra | 16 |
Chapter 216. The Gayatri Mantra | 20 |
Chapter 217. The use of the Gayatri mantra for worshipping the phallic emblem | 22 |
Chapter 218. The duties incidental to a sovereignty | 23 |
Chapter 219. The Mantras to be used on the occasion of the installation of a king | 26 |
Chapter 220. The duties of a king | 30 |
Chapter 221. The duties of the servants of a king | 32 |
Chapter 222. The sites and constructions of forts | 33 |
Chapter 223. The system of administration | 35 |
Chapter 224. The duties of a king in the female apartment | 38 |
Chapter 225. The duties of a king towards the royal princes | 41 |
Chapter 226. The acts of a man through the innate forces of his nature | 43 |
Chapter 227. The Code of Criminal Laws | 45 |
Chapter 228. The occasion for an expedition | 51 |
Chapter 229. The nature and significance of dreams | 52 |
Chapter 230. The auspicious signs for an expedition | 54 |
Chapter 231. Birds unfolding the good or the evil fate | 55 |
Chapter 232. Portends presaging danger to a besieging army | 58 |
Chapter 233. The conditions of journey | 61 |
Chapter 234. The nature of penalties | 63 |
Chapter 235. The daily of a king | 65 |
Chapter 236. The weekly duties preceding the day of march | 66 |
Chapter 237. The prayer to Indra | 71 |
Chapter 238. The Royal duties as disclosed by Rarna to Laksmana | 73 |
Chapter 239. The seven factors of government | 75 |
Chapter 240. The balance of power. How to treat with the neighbouring kings | 79 |
Chapter 241. The utility of diplomacy | 81 |
Chapter 242. The arrangement of the various divisions of the army | 87 |
Chapter 243. The art of divining the character and the good or the evil fate | 93 |
Chapter 244. The characteristics of women | 95 |
Chapter 245. The formation of various royal implements | 96 |
Chapter 246. The characteristics of the different classes of gems | 98 |
Chapter 247. The characteristics of a homestead | 99 |
Chapter 248. The realization of heart-felt desires | 102 |
Chapter 249. The science of archery | 102 |
Chapter 250. The worship of arms | 105 |
Chapter 251. The use or arms on horse-back and riding animals | 106 |
Chapter 252. The thirty-two sorts of military art | 107 |
Chapter 253. The institution of law-suits | 109 |
Chapter 254. Debts and their repayment | 115 |
Chapter 255. The citing of witnesses in a legal matter | 117 |
Chapter 256. The partition of properties | 121 |
Chapter 257. The settlement of boundary disputes | 124 |
Chapter 258. The punishment for abusing the deformed and for singing lampoons | 129 |
Chapter 259. The rites and ceremonies described in the Vedas | 136 |
Chapter 260. The verses of the Yajurveda and the rites where they are to be used | 143 |
Chapter 261. The rites and mantras of the Samaveda | 151 |
Chapter 262. The rites and mantras of the Atharvan Veda | 153 |
Chapter 263. The Suktas as contained in each of the Vedas | 155 |
Chapter 264. How to ward off the dreadful visitations of Nature | 158 |
Chapter 265. The ceremonial ablutions in general | 160 |
Chapter 266. The ablution for exercising the malignant spirit Vinayaka | 162 |
Chapter 267. Mahesvara Ablution | 163 |
Chapter 268. The celebration of the king's birthday | 166 |
Chapter 269. The mantras for consecrating the royal umbrella | 168 |
Chapter 270. The incantation of Visnu Panjaram | 171 |
Chapter 271. The two divisions of the Vedic mantras | 172 |
Chapter 272. An account of Brahma, Padma and Varaha Puranams | 174 |
Chapter 273. The dynasties of the solar and lunar races | 176 |
Chapter 274. The names of kings who belonged to the lunar race | 179 |
Chapter 275. An account of Yadu's family | 181 |
Chapter 276. An account of Krsna's family and deeds | 184 |
Chapter 277 and 278. The lunar race continued | 186-187 |
Chapter 279. The system of medicine propounded by the holy Dhanvantari | 190 |
Chapter 280. Organic, Mental, Extraneous and functional diseases | 195 |
Chapter 281. Indian Pharmacopoeia | 199 |
Chapter 282. Hygienic effects of different trees and shrubs planted around the dwelling of a man | 201 |
Chapter 283. Medicines for infantile dysentery or for all diseases brought about by the vitiated state of mother's milk | 203 |
Chapter 284. The Omkar Mantra giving longevity | 207 |
Chapter 285. Infallible celestial medicines as disclosed by the RsI Atreya | 208 |
Chapter 286. Medicines which can avert death or increase the duration of life | 214 |
Chapter 287. The excellent of elephants and the diseases to which they are subject | 217 |
Chapter 288. Diseases of horses and rules for managing them | 219 |
Chapter 289. The ominous marks in the body of a horse | 223 |
Chapter 290. The religious rites which should be performed for the good of the stud | 227 |
Chapter 291. The rite for bringing peace on elephants | 228 |
Chapter 292. The rite which is beneficial to the cows | 230 |
Chapter 293. The Mantras which grant all creature comforts | 234 |
Chapter 294. The different species of snakes; the time when poison increases in them | 238 |
Chapter 295. The mode of treatment by incantations in a case of snake-bite | 242 |
Chapter 296. The rite of five groups of ceremonies called Rudra Vidhanam | 245 |
Chapter 297. The worship of Rudra | 247 |
Chapter 298. The treatment of Gonasa snake-bite | 248 |
Chapter 299. The mystic rites which prevent the diseases imperilling the life of a child in the lying-in-chamber | 250 |
Chapter 300. The mantras destroying the baneful influences of malignant stars | 256 |
Chapter 301. The worship of the various Ganas | 259 |
Chapter 302. The principal mantras sacred to the lord of heaven | 262 |
Chapter 303. The hours when the vital spark of a man would be extinguished | 264 |
Chapter 304. The mantras sacred to the God Siva | 266 |
Chapter 305. The recitation of the fifty names of Visnu | 269 |
Chapter 306. The incantations for stupefying the faculties of adversaries | 271 |
Chapter 307. The mantras by which the three worlds can be enchanted | 273 |
Chapter 308. The mantras sacred to the goddess of fortune | 276 |
Chapter 309. The mantra for worshipping the goddess Tvarita who grants enjoyment of earthly comforts and salvation after death | 279 |
Chapter 310. The worship of the goddess Tvarita by which one can enjoy all comforts in this life | 281 |
Chapter 311. The rite of initiation with a mystic diagram | 285 |
Chapter 312. The incantations by which one cane acquire learning | 289 |
Chapter 313. The process of worshipping the god Vinayaka | 291 |
Chapter 314. The mantras for the goddess Tvarita | 294 |
Chapter 315. The spells which stupefy the intellectual faculties of a man | 296 |
Chapter 316. The mantra for realizing one's all desires | 298 |
Chapter 317. The Prasada-mantra of Siva | 299 |
Chapter 318. The same mantra continued | 301 |
Chapter 319. The worship of the goddess of learning | 303 |
Chapter 320. The mystic diagram of Sarvato-bhadra Mandalam | 304 |
Chapter 321. The ceremony of Astra-yajnam | 308 |
Chapter 322. The bliss of the same mantra | 310 |
Chapter 323. The mantra for curing diseases and warding off death | 312 |
Chapter 324. The peace-giving rite of Siva-Santi | 315 |
Chapter 325. The Rudraksa seeds | 318 |
Chapter 326. The worship of the goddess Uma | 320 |
Chapter 327. The worship of the regents of the religious vows | 323 |
Chapter 328. The Rules of Prosody | 325 |
Chapter 329. The metre of the divine Gayatri | 325 |
Chapter 330. The metre Jagati | 326 |
Chapter 331. The metre of Uktrti | 327 |
Chapter 332. Vrttas or metres regulated by the number and position of syllables in each quarter | 329 |
Chapter 333. Ardha-sama Vrttam or half-equal metres | 330 |
Chapter 334. Yati or the pause in reciting a verse | 331 |
Chapter 335. Miscellaneous metres | 333 |
Chapter 336. The science of pronunciation and laws of euphony | 334 |
Chapter 337 to 339. Rhetoric or figure of speech | 335-340 |
Chapter 340. The four different styles | 345 |
Chapter 341. The different parts and members of the body | 346 |
Chapter 342. The characters and lessons of the drama | 347 |
Chapter 343. Anuprasa or a alliteration | 350 |
Chapter 344. The figure of speech which is related to the sense | 355 |
Chapter 345. The artistic arrangement of words in a sentence | 358 |
Chapter 346. The point of excellence in a Poem | 359 |
Chapter 347. The defects of a literary composition | 361 |
Chapter 348. Lexicon of mono-syllabic words | 365 |
Chapter 349. Essence of grammar | 367 |
Chapter 350. Sandhi | 368 |
Chapter 351. The kinds of the vital case-endings | 389 |
Chapter 352. The vital forms of Feminine Gender | 376 |
Chapter 353. The vital forms of Neuter Gender | 378 |
Chapter 354. Cases | 379 |
Chapter 355. Compounds | 382 |
Chapter 356. Taddhit | 384 |
Chapter 357. Unadi | 387 |
Chapter 358. Tin | 388 |
Chapter 359. Krt | 390 |
Chapter 360. The Heaven and Nether etc. Classes | 391 |
Chapter 361. Indeclinables | 397 |
Chapter 362. Words of various meaning | 400 |
Chapter 363. Land, Forest and Medicines | 403 |
Chapter 364. Description of Man, Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya and Sudra etc. | 409 |
Chapter 365. A Class of the Brahmana | 411 |
Chapter 366. A Class of Ksatriya, Vaisya and Sudra | 412 |
Chapter 367. Common names and gender | 416 |
Chapter 368. Four kinds of dissolution | 419 |
Chapter 369. Atyantika Laya (spiritual Dissolution) | 421 |
Chapter 370. Physiology | 427 |
Chapter 371. Hells and the passage of the soul described | 430 |
Chapter 372. The eight auxiliary factors of Yoga | 433 |
Chapter 373. The process of Pranayama, etc., | 435 |
Chapter 374. Dhyanam or meditation | 438 |
Chapter 375. Dharana or the faculty of retaining in the mind | 440 |
Chapter 376. Samadhi | 443 |
Chapter 377. The knowledge of Brahma | 445 |
Chapter 378-79. The attributes of Brahma | 446 |
Chapter 380. Non-dualism | 449 |
Chapter 381. The Synopsis of the Gita | 454 |
Chapter 382. The summary of Yama Gita | 458 |
Chapter 383. An account of Agni Purana | 461 |
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