Dhammapada or way of Righteousness, is the name of one of the canonical books of the Buddhist sacred scripture. It is written in the Pali language. It consists of 423 stanzas. These are reputed to be the very words of Buddha.
The Dhammapada commentary (in Pali Dhammapad-Attha-katha) is ascribed to Buddhaghosa. The greatest of all the Buddhist scholastics. This aspiration is without due warrant, as appears from translator's Introduction. The commentary purports to tell us "where, when, why, for what purpose, with reference to what situation, with reference to what person or persons," Buddha uttered each one of these stanzas. In so doing, the author of the commentary narrates 299 legends or stories. These stories are the preponderating element of the commentary, and it are these which are here translated.
From the Book
Some are reborn on earth, evil-doers go to hell,
The righteous go to heaven, Arahats pass to Nibbana.
By self alone is evil done, by self alone does one suffer,
By self alone is evil left undone, by self alone does one obtain Salvation.
Salvation and Perdition depend upon self; no man can save another.
The shunning of all evil, the doing of good,
the cleansing of the heart: this is the Religion of the Buddhas.
One should overcome anger with kindness;
One should overcome evil with good;
One should overcome the niggard with gifts,
And the speaker of falsehood with truth.
Five stanzas translated from the Dhamma-pada | ix | |
Photogravure of a Cingalese palm-leaf manuscript Mounted on a guard between pages x and xi | ||
Facsimile of a page of Pali text in Burmese letters | xii | |
Facsimile of a page of Pali text in Cingalese letters | xiii | |
Prefatory note | xv | |
Note for Librarians and Cataloguers | xvii | |
1. | Legendary life of the Buddha | |
a. Birth amid rejoicing of angels | 1 | |
b. The Buddhist Simeon | 2 | |
c. Youth and marriage | 2 | |
d. Resolve to seek after Nibbana | 2 | |
e. The Great Retirement | 3 | |
f. The Great Struggle | 3 | |
g. The Enlightenment | 4 | |
h. Ministry and death | 6 | |
i. Buddhist-Christian parallels | 9 | |
2. | Teachings of the Buddha | |
a. The Beginningless Round of Existences | 14 | |
b. The motive of the Religious Life | 15 | |
c. Impermanence, Suffering, Unreality | 15 | |
d. The four Noble Truths regarding Suffering | 16 | |
e. The Noble Eightfold Path to Nibbana | 17 | |
3. | Practice of Meditation | 19 |
4. | Dhammapada: its place in the Buddhist Canon | 25 |
5. | Dhammapada Commentary: general character and structure of parts | 26 |
6. | Subject-matter and motifs of the stories | |
a. Karma and Rebirth | 29 | |
b. Other motifs | 34 | |
c. Humorous stories | 36 | |
d. Animal stories | 42 | |
e. Legends of the Saints | 43 | |
f. Stories of seven-year-old novices | 44 | |
g. Stories of good and evil spirits | 44 | |
7. | Literary relation of the Dhammapada Commentary: its relation to | |
a. The Four Agamas | 45 | |
b. The Vinaya | 46 | |
c. The Udana | 47 | |
d. Buddhaghosa's Works | 48 | |
e. The Jataka Book | 52 | |
f. Dhammapala's Commentaries | 56 | |
8. | Date of the Dhammapada Commentary | 57 |
9. | Authorship of this Commentary unknown; not by Buddhaghosa | 59 |
10. | References to stories of this Commentary in Milindapanha | 60 |
11. | Parallels to Story-cycle of Udena | 62 |
12. | Parallels to Dhammapada Commentary stories in Sanskrit and Tibetan | 63 |
13. | Hardy's Legends of Gotama Buddha (Cingalese) | 64 |
14. | Rogers's Buddhaghosha's Parables (Burmese) | 65 |
15. | Previous translations o Dhammapada and of parts of Commentary | 66 |
16. | Editions of the text of the Dhammapada Commentary | 67 |
17. | Brief list of books on the life and teachings of the Buddha | 68 |
The synopses occupy pages 71 to 141 of Volume 28 | ||
A detailed Table of Contents of this portion of the work is uncalled for | ||
The page at which the synopsis of any given story begins is given below, with a capital letter S and in parentheses | ||
The Table of Contents of this portion of the work may advantageously be made to serve also as a finding-index: | ||
1. | For the place of the Synopsis of a given story (see above); | |
2. | For the Dhammapada-Stanza [numbers in brackets] to which the story relates; | |
3. | For the place of the text of the story in Norman's edition (N); and | |
4. | For the same in the Rangoon or Burmese or Burmese edition (B); and | |
5. | For the same in the Colombo or Cingalese edition (C). - Accordingly, | |
For each Story, there is given, in each odd line, | ||
1. | The number of the Story in the Book, | |
2. | An English title, | |
3. | The page (in parentheses and with an S prefixed) of the Synopsis, and | |
4. | The page at which the Translation begins. - And | |
For each Story, there is given, in each even line, | ||
1. | Its Pali title | |
2. | The number [in brackets] of the stanza to which the Story relates, | |
2a. | As counted from the beginning of the Book concerned, and | |
2b. | As counted from the beginning of the Dhammapada (so Fausboll), | |
3. | The volume and page (with N prefixed) of the Pali text in Norman's edition, | |
4. | The page (with B prefixed) of the Pali text in the Burmese edition, and | |
5. | The page (with C prefixed) of the Pali text in the Cingalese edition. | |
1. | "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out" | 146 |
I a. | Story of the Past: The wicked physician and the woman | 158 |
2. | Why cry for the moon? | 159 |
3. | Tissa the Fat | 166 |
3 a. | Story of the Past: Devala and Narada | 167 |
4. | "Not hatred for hatred" | 170 |
5. | The quarrelsome monks of Kosambi | 175 |
5 a. | Quarrel among the monks | 176 |
5 b. | The Buddha, the elephant, and the monkey | 179 |
6. | Kaja junior and Kala senior | 184 |
7. | Devadatta wears an unbecoming robe | 189 |
7 a. | Story of the Past: The elephant-hunter and the noble elephant | 191 |
8. | The Chief Disciples | 193 |
8 a. | Life of the Buddha | 193 |
8 b. | Life of Upatissa (Sariputta) and Kolita (Moggallana) | 198 |
8 c. | Story of the Past: Kala junior and Kala senior | 204 |
8 d. | Story of the Past: Yasa and fifty-four companions | 205 |
8 e. | Story of the Past: Thirty noble youths | 206 |
8 f. | Story of the Past: Three brothers Kassapa | 206 |
8 g. | Story of the Past: Sarada and Sirivaddha | 210 |
9. | Nanda the Elder | 217 |
9 a. | Nanda becomes a monk in spite of himself | 217 |
9 b. | Nanda and the celestial nymphs | 220 |
9 c. | Story of the Past: Kappata and the donkey | 224 |
10. | Cunda the pork-butcher | 225 |
11. | The righteous lay brother | 228 |
12. | Devadatta's career | 230 |
13. | Lady Sumana | 242 |
14. | Two brethren | 244 |
1. | Story-cycle of King Udena or Udayana | 247 |
Part 1.Birth and youthful career of Udena | 247 | |
Part 2. Birth and youthful career of Ghosaka | 252 | |
Story of the Past: Kotuhalaka casts away his son | 252 | |
Story of the Present: Ghosaka is cast away seven times | 256 | |
Part 3. Birth and youthful career of Samavati | 266 | |
Part 4. Winning of Vasuladatta by Udena | 270 | |
Part 5. Rejection of Magandiya by the Buddha | 274 | |
Part 6. Death of Samavati and Magandiya, and explanation | 277 | |
Treasurers, monks, and tree-spirit and Story of the Past | 277 | |
Conversion of Samavati by Khujjutara | 281 | |
Magandiya's plot against Samavati and the Buddha | 282 | |
Burning of Samavati and punishment of Magandiya | 288 | |
Story of the Past: Samavati's former deed | 290 | |
Story of the Past: Khujjuttara's former deeds | 292 | |
2. | The voice of a rich man | 293 |
3. | Little Wayman | 299 |
3 a. | Birth of Little Wayman | 299 |
3 b. | Little Wayman as a monk | 301 |
4. | Simpletons' Holiday | 310 |
5. | Kassapa the Great | 311 |
6. | Two brethren | 312 |
7. | How Magha became Sakka | 313 |
7 a. | Story of the present: Mahali's question | 313 |
7 b. | Story of the Past: How Magha became Sakka | 315 |
8. | A monk attains Arahatship | 325 |
9. | Tissa of the Market-town | 326 |
9 a. | Story of the Past: Sakka and the parrot | 327 |
1. | Elder Meghiya | 1 |
2. | The mind-reader | 1 |
3. | A discontented monk | 8 |
4. | Nephew Sangharakkita | 10 |
5. | Elder Thought-controlled | 12 |
5 a. | Story of the Past: Kuddala and his spade | 15 |
6. | Monks and tree-spirits | 17 |
7. | Cruelty a cause of boils | 20 |
7 a. | Story of the Past: The cruel fowler | 21 |
8. | Nanda the herdsman | 22 |
9. | Mother of two and father of two | 23 |
1. | The soil of the heart | 29 |
2. | A monk attains Arahatship | 29 |
3. | Vidudabha wreaks vengeance on the Sakiyas | 30 |
3 a. | Story of the Past: Kesava, Kappa, Narada, King of Benares | 34 |
4 | Husband-honorer | 46 |
5. | Niggardly Kosiya | 49 |
6. | Pathika the Naked Ascetic | 54 |
7. | The king and the King of Kings | 56 |
8. | Marriage of Visakha | 59 |
8 a. | Story of the Past: Visakha's Earnest Wish | 82 |
9. | Elder Ananda's question | 84 |
10. | Sakka gives alms to Kassapa the Great | 86 |
11. | Godhika attains Nibbana | 90 |
12. | Sirigutta and Garahadinna | 92 |
1. | The king and the poor man with a beautiful wife | 100 |
1 a. | Story of the Past: The Hell Pot | 106 |
1 b. | Story of the Past: The King of Benares and Queen Dinna | 108 |
1 c. | Story of the Past: The woman who killed a ewe | 110 |
2. | The rebellious pupil | 111 |
2 a. | Story of the Past: The monkey and the singila bird | 114 |
3 | A Jonah in the house | 115 |
3 a. | The niggardly treasurer | 115 |
3 b. | Sequel: A Jonah in the house | 115 |
4. | The pickpocket | 117 |
5. | The wise fool | 117 |
6. | From vice to virtue | 118 |
7. | A leper is tempted to deny his faith | 119 |
7 a. | Story of the Past: The four youths and the courtezan | 120 |
7 b. | Story of the Past: The insolent youth | 120 |
8. | A farmer is unjustly accused of theft | 121 |
9. | Sumana the gardener | 123 |
10. | Rape of Uppalavanna | 127 |
11. | Jambuka the Naked Ascetic | 130 |
11 a. | Story of the Past: The jealous monk | 130 |
11 b. | Story of the Present: Jambuka the Naked Ascetic | 132 |
12. | The snake-ghost and the crow-ghost | 137 |
12 a. | Story of the Past: The crow-ghost | 138 |
12 b. | Story of the Past: The snake-ghost | 139 |
13. | The sledge-hammer ghost | 140 |
13 a. | Story of the Past: The stone-thrower and his pupil | 141 |
14. | Citta and Sudhamma | 144 |
14 a. | Story of the Past: Citta's deed in a former birth | 149 |
15 | A seven-year-old novice wins all hearts | 150 |
15 a. | Story of the Past: The poor Brahman | 150 |
15 b. | Story of the Present: The novice Tissa | 151 |
1. | A poor man wins spiritual treasure | 163 |
1 a. | Story of the Past: The grateful elephant | 164 |
2. | The insolent monks | 165 |
3. | The insolent monk | 166 |
4. | Kappina the Great, Elder | 167 |
4 a. | Story of the Past: Weavers and householders | 167 |
4 b. | Story of the Present: King Kappina and Queen Anoja | 169 |
5. | Pandita the novice | 176 |
5 a. | Story of the Past: Sakka and the poor man | 176 |
5 b. | Story of the Present: Pandita, the seven-year-old novice | 184 |
6. | Unshaken as a rock | 189 |
7. | After the storm, calm | 190 |
8. | A pack of vagabonds | 193 |
9. | Husband and wife | 194 |
10. | "Few there be that find it" | 195 |
11. | Abandon the dark state | 196 |
1. | The Tathagata suffers not | 197 |
2. | Free from attachment | 198 |
3. | A monk stores food | 200 |
4. | The monk and the goddess | 201 |
5. | Sakka honors a monk | 202 |
6. | A fancied slight | 203 |
7. | The loss of an eye | 205 |
8. | Not by the faith of another | 208 |
9. | Elder Revata of the acacia forest | 209 |
9 a. | Revata becomes a monk | 209 |
9 b. | The Buddha visits Revata | 209 |
9 c. | Story of the Past: The offering of honey and the siege of a city | 214 |
10. | A courtezan tempts a monk | 217 |
1. | A public executioner | 218 |
2. | conversion of Bahiya Daruciriya | 222 |
2 a. | Digression: Story of the Past | 222 |
3. | the maiden who married a thief | 227 |
4. | Gain and loss | 232 |
5. | Sariputta's uncle | 233 |
6. | Sariputta's nephew | 234 |
7. | Sariputta's friend | 235 |
8. | The lad whose years increased | 235 |
9. | Samkicca the novice | 238 |
9 a. | Digression: How Samkicca got his name | 238 |
9 b. | Sequel: The novice Atimuttaka | 245 |
10. | The monk and the thieves | 246 |
11. | On the razor's edge | 247 |
11 a. | Story of the Past: Discontented and covetous | 249 |
12. | Patacara is benefit of all her family | 250 |
13. | Kisa Gotami seeks mustard seed to cure her dead child | 257 |
13 a. | Kisa Gotami marries the son of a rich merchant | 257 |
13 b. | Kisa Gotami seeks mustard seed to cure her dead child | 258 |
14 | The widow Bahuputtika and her ungrateful children | 260 |
1. | The Brahman with a single robe | 262 |
2. | A discontented monk | 264 |
3. | Goddess and monk | 265 |
4. | Anathapindika and the goddess | 268 |
5. | The monk who failed to keep his requisites in order | 271 |
6. | Treasurer Catfoot | 272 |
7. | Merchant Great-Wealth | 274 |
8. | The enchanted hunter | 276 |
8 a. | Story of the Past: The city treasurer and the country treasurer | 280 |
9. | The hunter who was devoured by his own dogs | 282 |
9 a. | Story of the Past: Wicked physician, boys, and poisonous snake | 283 |
10. | The jeweler, the monk, and the heron | 284 |
11. | Three parties of monks | 286 |
11 a. | Story of the Present: Crow burned | 286 |
11 b. | Story of the Present: Woman cast overboard | 287 |
11 c. | Story of the Present: Monks imprisoned | 288 |
11 d. | Story of the Past: Ox burned | 289 |
11e. | Story of the Past: Dog drowned | 289 |
11 f. | Story of the Past: Lizard imprisoned | 290 |
12. | Suppabuddha insults the Teacher | 291 |
1. | The Band of Six | 294 |
2. | The Band of Six | 294 |
3. | A company of boys | 295 |
4. | The monk and the phantom | 296 |
4 a. | Story of the Past: The goddess who took the form of a woman | 296 |
5. | Visakha and her companions keep Fast-day | 300 |
6. | The boa-constrictor ghost | 300 |
6 a. | Story of the Past: The treasurer Sumangala and the thief | 301 |
7. | Death of Moggallana the Great | 304 |
7 a. | Story of the Past: The son who killed his parents | 306 |
8. | The monk of many possessions | 308 |
8 a. | Story of the Past: Prince Mahimsasa, Princes Moon and Sun | 309 |
9. | Santati the king's minister | 312 |
9 a. | Story of the Past: the preacher of the Law and the king | 314 |
10. | The monk and the ragged garment | 316 |
11. | Sukha the novice | 318 |
11 a. | Story of the Past: The treasurer Gandha, the laborer Bhattabhatika, and the Private Buddha | 318 |
11 b. | Story of the Present: Sukha the novice | 324 |
1. | Visakha's companions intoxicate themselves | 328 |
2. | The Teacher cures a monk of love | 330 |
3. | the aged nun | 334 |
4. | A company of over-confident monks | 335 |
5. | The nun and the phantom | 336 |
6. | Queen Mallika and her dog | 340 |
7. | The monk who always said the wrong thing | 343 |
7 a. | Story of the Past: Aggidatta, Somadatta, and the king | 343 |
8. | Elder Ananda's Stanzas | 345 |
9. | Great-Wealth, the treasurer's son | 346 |
1. | Prince Bodhi and the magic bird | 349 |
1 a. | The prince, the builder, and the magic bird | 349 |
1 b. | The prince entertains the Buddha | 350 |
1 c. | Story of the Past: The man who ate bird's eggs | 351 |
2. | The greedy monk | 352 |
2 a. | Story of the Past: the others and the jackal | 353 |
3. | "Be ye doers of the word" | 354 |
4. | "And hate not his father and mother | 356 |
4 a. | Birth of Kumara Kassapa | 356 |
4 b. | "And hate not his father and mother" | 358 |
5. | Killing of Maha Kala | 359 |
6. | Devadatta seeks to slay the Tathagata | 362 |
7. | Devadatta seeks to cause a schism in the Order | 363 |
8. | The jealous monk | 363 |
9. | Courtezans save a layman's life | 365 |
10. | By righteousness men honor the Buddha | 366 |
1. | A young girl jests with a young monk | 1 |
2. | The Buddha visits Kapila | 2 |
3. | Five hundred monks attain Insight | 4 |
4. | Prince Abhaya loses his nautch-girl | 4 |
5. | the monk with a broom | 5 |
6. | Conversion of the robber Finger-garland | 6 |
7. | The weaver's daughter | 14 |
8. | Thirty monks | 18 |
9. | Cinca falsely accuses the Buddha | 19 |
9 a. | Story of the Past: The lewd woman and the virtuous youth | 22 |
10. | Gifts beyond Compare | 24 |
11. | Virtue bought and paid for | 28 |
1. | The Buddha has naught to do with women | 31 |
1 a. | the Buddha spurns the maiden Magandiya | 31 |
1 b. | The Buddha spurns the Daughters of Mara | 33 |
2. | The Twin Meracle | 35 |
2 a. | Pindola Bharadvaja performs a miracle | 35 |
2 b. | The Buddha promises to perform a miracle | 38 |
2 c. | Preliminary miracles | 41 |
2 d. | The Buddha performs the Twin Miracle | 45 |
2 e. | The Ascent of the Buddha to the World of the Thirty-three | 47 |
2 f. | The Descent of the Buddha and attendant deities | 52 |
3. | The king of the dragons and his daughter | 56 |
4. | How did the Seven Buddhas keep Fast-day? | 60 |
5. | The Buddha cures a monk of discontent | 81 |
6. | The monk and the dragon | 63 |
7. | Whence come men of noble birth? | 67 |
8. | What is the pleasantest thing in the world? | 67 |
9. | Honor to whom honor is due | 68 |
1. | A quarrel among brethren | 70 |
2. | Mara possesses villagers | 72 |
3. | Defeat of the King of Kosala | 73 |
4. | "Look not on a woman to lust after her" | 73 |
5. | The Buddha feeds the hungry | 74 |
6. | On moderation in eating | 76 |
7. | By righteousness men honor the Buddha | 78 |
8. | Sakka ministers to the Buddha | 79 |
1. | Mother and father and son | 81 |
2. | The Buddha comforts the affilicted | 83 |
3. | The Buddha comforts the afflicted | 84 |
4. | The Licchavi princes and the courtezan | 85 |
5. | The golden maiden | 86 |
6. | Set not your heart on worldly possessions | 88 |
7. | Kassapa wins a basket of cakes | 90 |
8. | The Elder who had attained the Fruit of the Third Path | 91 |
9. | Nandiya attains heavenly glory | 92 |
1. | How anger marred a maiden's looks | 95 |
1 a. | The maiden with blotches on her face | 95 |
1 b. | Story of the Past: The jealous queen and the nautch-girl | 96 |
1 c. | Sequel: The celestial nymph | 97 |
2. | The tree-spirit and the monk | 98 |
3. | The poor man and his daughter | 99 |
3 a. | Punna acquires merit | 99 |
3 b. | Uttara and Sirima | 103 |
4. | Do trifling acts of merit lead to heaven? | 107 |
5. | A Brahman greets the Buddha as his son | 108 |
6. | It is the giver that makes the gift | 111 |
7. | Nothing, too much, and too little | 113 |
8. | The Band of Six | 115 |
1. | The cow-killer and his son | 116 |
2. | Little by little | 119 |
3. | The Louse that would have his own | 120 |
4. | Pride goeth before a fall | 122 |
5. | The wickedness of women | 124 |
6. | Courtesy and rudeness | 124 |
7. | All of the precepts are hard to keep | 125 |
8. | The fault-finding novice | 126 |
9. | The inattentive laymen | 127 |
10. | Treasurer Ram | 130 |
10 a. | Frame-story begun: The Buddha visits Treasurer Ram | 130 |
10 b. | How did Treasurer Ram get his name? | 130 |
10 c. | Story of the Past: How he came to possess golden rams | 130 |
10 d. | Story of the Past: How he and his family gained magical power | 132 |
10 e. | Treasurer Ram and his family exhibit their magical power | 136 |
10 f. | Frame-story concluded: Treasurer Ram goes to meet the Buddha | 137 |
11. | The fault-finding monk | 138 |
12. | Is there a path through the air? | 139 |
1. | The unjust judges | 140 |
2. | The Band of Six | 140 |
3. | Not therefore is a man praised for his much speaking | 141 |
4. | Can a young monk be an "Elder"? | 142 |
5. | What is an accomplished gentleman? | 143 |
6. | It is not tonsure that makes the monk | 144 |
7. | What is it that makes the monk? | 145 |
8. | It is not silence that makes the sage | 145 |
9. | Noble is as noble does | 146 |
10. | Be not puffed up | 147 |
1. | The Eightfold Path is the best of paths | 149 |
2. | Impermanence | 150 |
3. | Suffering | 150 |
4. | Unreality | 151 |
5. | Do not postpone until to-morrow | 151 |
6. | The pig-ghost | 153 |
6 a. | Story of the Past: The destroyer of friendships | 154 |
7. | Pothila the Empty-head | 157 |
8. | The old monks and the old woman | 159 |
8 a. | Story of the Past: Kaka Jataka | 160 |
9. | "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth" | 161 |
10. | Thou shalt surely die | 164 |
11. | The bereaved mother and the pinch of mustard seed | 165 |
12. | The women who was bereft of all her family | 166 |
1. | The Ascent of the Ganges | 168 |
1 a. | Story of the Past: The Brahman Samkha | 174 |
2. | "Not hatred for hatred" | 176 |
3. | The monks who were given to vanities | 178 |
4. | The monk who had killed his mother and father | 178 |
5. | The youth and the demons | 179 |
6. | The Vajjian prince who became a monk | 182 |
7. | Citta the faithful layman | 183 |
8. | Culla Subhadda the virtuous | 184 |
9. | The solitary monk | 187 |
1. | Murder of Sundari | 189 |
2. | The skeleton-ghost | 191 |
3. | Magic for meat | 192 |
4. | The man whom women loved | 193 |
4 a. | Story of the Past: Khema's Earnest Wish | 193 |
5. | The presumptuous monk | 194 |
6. | The jealous woman | 194 |
7. | Fortify yourself like a city | 195 |
8. | Degrees of nakedness | 196 |
9. | Children visit the Buddha | 197 |
1. | The sectaries insult the Buddha | 199 |
2. | The monk who had been an elephant-trainer | 200 |
3. | The old Brahman and his sons | 201 |
3 a. | Story of the Past: Matuposaka Nagaraja Jataka | 204 |
4. | On moderation in eating | 206 |
5. | The novice and the ogress | 207 |
6. | An elephant sticks fast in the mud | 211 |
7. | An elephant waits upon the Buddha | 211 |
8. | Mara tempts the Buddha | 213 |
1. | Redfish | 215 |
1 a. | Story of the Past: The insolent monk. The bandits | 215 |
1 b. | Story of the Present: Fisherman, and the fish with stinking breath | 217 |
2. | The young sow | 219 |
3. | The renegade monk | 221 |
4. | The prison-house | 233 |
4 a. | Story of the Past: Husband and wife | 223 |
5. | Beauty is but skin-deep | 225 |
6. | The youth who married a female acrobat | 226 |
6 a. | Story of the Past: A joke in earnest | 230 |
7. | Young Archer the Wise | 231 |
7 a. | Story of the Past: Young Archer the Wise | 232 |
8. | Mara seeks in vain to frighten Rahula | 234 |
9. | The skeptical ascetic | 235 |
10. | The Summum Bonum | 236 |
11. | Treasurer Childless | 239 |
11 a. | Story of the Past: the niggardly treasurer | 240 |
12. | The greater and the lesser gift | 242 |
1. | Guard the doors of the senses | 343 |
1 a. | Story of the Past: Takkasila Jataka | 243 |
2. | The goose-killing monk | 244 |
2 a. | Story of the Past: Kurudhamma Jataka | 245 |
3. | The monk who failed to hold his tongue | 247 |
3 a. | Story of the Past: The talkative tortoise, Bahubhani (Kacchapa) Jataka | 248 |
4. | By righteousness men honor the Buddha | 249 |
5. | The traitor monk | 250 |
5 a. | Story of the Past: Elephant Damsel-face, Mahilamukha Jataka | 251 |
6. | The Brahman who gave the gifts of first-fruits | 252 |
7. | The conversion of a pack of thieves | 254 |
8. | "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth" | 259 |
9. | The monk whose mother was a lioness | 259 |
10. | The monk and the ragged garment | 260 |
11. | "Whosoever beholds the Law, he beholds me" | 262 |
12. | The novice and the dragon | 264 |
12 a. | Story of the Past: Poor man Annabhara and rich man Sumana | 264 |
12 b. | Story of the Present: Anuruddha retires from the world | 267 |
12 c. | Story of the Present: The novice Sumana and the dragon | 270 |
1. | Brahman Great-Joy | 276 |
2. | What are the :Two States"? | 277 |
3. | What is the "Far Shore"? | 277 |
4. | What is a Brahman? | 277 |
5. | The Buddhas shine both day and night | 278 |
6. | What is a monk? | 279 |
7. | The patient subdues the violent | 279 |
8. | Maha Pajapati Gotami receives the Precepts | 281 |
9. | reverence to whom reverence is due | 282 |
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