The twelve articles assembled in this first volume of the author's collected papers in Jaina Studies written in English were published as journal articles and book chapters between 1996 and 2016. They are reproduced here in almost identical form, though an attempt was made to eliminate typographical errors and minor mistakes. Three articles which on request were first published without the use of diacritical marks have been changed back to their original format: chapters 2, 6, 11. In a few cases, the biographical data of recently deceased individuals were updated.
The articles address aspects of the history, doctrine, organisation and religious practice of Jaina mendicant orders, sects and schools, following an overview of the contemporary monastic traditions. They are outcomes of a long-term research project, covering a period of over 30 years, on the aniconic or amurtipujaka Svetambara Jaina traditions, which have been neglected by modern scholarship, and with the notable exception of the Terapanth and the Sramana Sangha, are almost unknown even in India itself. Two articles pertain to the Akrama Vijnana Marga, a new syncretistic religious movement, combining Samkhya ontology with Jaina soteriology.
The articles are here republished in a thematic sequence. The original dates and places of publication are: (1) Flugel, P. (ed.) (2006), Studies in Jaina History and Culture: Disputes and Dialogues. London: Routledge Advances in Jaina Studies, pp. 312-398; (2) Melton, J.G. & G. Baumann (eds.) (2002), Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, pp. 1221-1223; (3) Kimura, T. (ed.) (2014), Indian and Buddhist Studies in Honor of President Dr. Shouou (Kiyoaki) Okuda in Recognition of his Lifelong Scholarship. Osaka: Kosei Publishers, pp. 314-333; (4) Caillat, C. & N. Balbir (eds.) (2008), Jaina Studies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 181- 279; (5) Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies 11 (2016) 28-31; (6) Melton, J.G. & G. Baumann (eds.) (2002), Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, pp. 1266-1267; (7) Bulletin D'Etudes Indiennes 13 (1996) 117-176; (8) South Asia Research 23, 1 (2003) 7-53; (9) Qvarnstrom, 0. (ed.) (2003), Jainism and Early Buddhism in the Indian Cultural Context: Festschrift in Honour of P. S. Jaini. Fremont, California: Asian Humanities Press, pp. 167-204; (10) Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies 4 (2009) 24-29; (11) King, A.S. & J. Brockington (eds.) (2005), The Intimate Other: Love Divine in the Indic Religions. New Delhi: Orient Longman, pp. 194-243; (12) International journal of Tantric Studies 7, 1 & 7, 2 (2005) 1-43 & 1-28.
A significant number of the author's publications on the amurtipujaka traditions are published in German, notably a monograph on the Terapanth tradition (Askese und Devotion: Das rituelle System der Terapanth Svetambara Jaina. Band I-II. Alt- und Neuindische Studien 56. Dettelbach: Roll Verlag, 2018), and the first four of six instalments of a comprehensive study of the history of the Sthanakavasi traditions, published under the title `Protestantische und Post-Protestantische Jaina-Reform bewegungen: Zur Geschichte und Organisation der Sthanakavasi I-IV' in the Berliner Indologische Studien 13-14 (2000) 37-103, 15-17 (2003) 149-240, 18 (2007)127-206, 20 (2012) 37-124. These publications should be read in conjunction with the articles presented in this volume.
I would like to express my gratitude to Pranav Jain for publishing my English language articles in Jaina Studies with Motilal Banarsidass Publications. Special thanks go to Kanchan Vasudev for preparing the print ready of text and to Manju Arya for preparing the Book of this volume.
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