Garuda Purana Pt. 3 (AITM Vol. 14): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology

Garuda Purana Pt. 3 (AITM Vol. 14): Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology

Author(s): G. P. Bhatt, J. L. Shastri, and N. Gangadharan
Language: English
Total Pages: 311
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 1,260.00 Sale price Rs. 1,400.00
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The Garuda Purana is normally classified as a Vaisnava Purana, obviously on the basis of the fact that among the deities glorified in this Purana Visnu holds the supreme position. Still, this Purana cannot be deemed as sectarian, for it contains the worship of other deities too, such as Siva, Brahma, Indra, Surya, Agni, Candra, Vayu, Skanda, Ganesa, and many forms of Mother Goddess. The present volume, like all other volumes, is encyclopedic in character. It deals with miscellaneous topics such as Death, Pretahood, Yama the god of Death and his world, torture-cells —hells, and the world of Fathers. It discusses the concepts of the Trinity, male and female Deities, their forms, status, qualities, and incarnation. It abounds in the statement of religious maxims, moral codes, and ancient tales full of wise sayings and noble precepts.