Prof. Rajendra Mishra is the Ex-Vice Chancellor of the Sampurnanand Sanskrit the University, Varanasi currently serving as the Convener of Sanskrit language in Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. He is widely recognized and praised across the world for his contribution to the field of literature and education in Sanskrit. Hindi, Bhojpuri, English and Old Javanese languages.
Born on 2 January, 1943 Prof. Mishra received his Bachelor of Art degree from the Allahabad University in 1962. He stood First class first in the M.A. examination of the University in 1964 and topped in the Faculty of Arts for which he was awarded Pt. Ganga Prasad Upadhyay Gold Medal and Queen Victoria Silver Medal. Later, he received his D. Phil Degree in 1966. In 2004 he received his D. Litt degree from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. He was appointed lecturer in the Sanskrit Department of the Allahabad University in 1966 soon before receiving his D. Phil degree.
Prof. Mishra produced 52 D.Phils/ Ph. Ds and Vidyavaridhis along with one D.Litt. More than 124 students have received their Ph.D. degree based on his literature and 40 other are still working, throughout the country.
Prof. Mishra has received several honours and awards including Mahämahopadhyay Sahitya Academy Award on Ikshugandha-1988; Vachaspati Samman on Janakijeevnam- 1993 Kalpavalli Samman on Vidyottama Natika-1988 Presidential Certificate of Honor for Sanskrit Service; Valmiki Puraskar-2009; Sahitya Akademi Bal Sahitya Samman Anuvaad Puraskar in 2011 & 2013; Deen Dayal Upadhyay Sahitya Samman- 2014 Vishwa Bharti Samman-2015; the Highest Sanskrit Award of UP Sanskrit Sansthan, Lucknow.
Poetry and Poetics is the collection of fifteen articles written by Prof. Abhiraja Rajendra Mishra, the senior stalwart lyricist, fiction-writer and an unparallel poet of the day these articles open the new horizons of thinking in the Sanskrta- field and anti by the bright future of Sans literature.
Most of the articles shed adequate light on various burning to pies of the Modern Sans creativity and profusely benefit the new generation these articles solve may enigmatic questions reasonable and create an optimistic and positive mentality of the new generation
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