The book provides a detailed study of the acaryas such as Sri Sankara, Sri Ramanuja, Sri Nimbarka, Sri Madhvacarya, Sri Caitanya, Sri Vallabha, Sri Sankaradeva and Sri Swami Narayana and their philosophies. The schools of Vaisnavism belonging to these venerable acaryas primarily promulgate for the seeker an alternate method which emphasizes that samsara is real, liberation is real, and worship and meditation are equally real, not mock battles. God is accepted as the Ultimate Reality – merciful and gracious, the seat of all auspicious attributes – by whose grace alone one can be freed from the bondage of samsara. These schools are well established in the Vedas and do not make a distinction between the Absolute (Brahman) and God (ISvara) or equate jiva with Brahman. Most of these schools, identify ISvara or Brahman with Visnu, who has a particular form (Catur-Bhujam, Sanku-Cakra, etc.) which distinguishes Him from other gods. All the acaryas of the schools of Vaisnavism had Lord Mahavisnu as the Supreme Reality, but for each one of them the Lord presented Himself in a different form. For example, for Sri Ramanuja, it was Sriman Narayana, for Sri Nimbarka, Sri Vallabha and Sri Caitanya it was Sri Krsna and for Sri Ramananda it was Sri Rama.
This volume should invoke keen interest in the philosophical community and among the followers of Vaisnava Sampradaya, along with a wide range of students, researchers and teachers of all religious philosophies.
1. Introduction
2. Sankara
3. Nimbarka
4. Madhvacarya
5. Caitanya Mahaprabhu
6. Caitanya Mahaprabhu: Philosophy and Theology
7. Vallabha: His Life
8. Vallabha: His Philosophy
9. Sankaradeva: Assam Vaisnavism
10. The Life of Svami Narayana
11. The Teaching of Svami Narayana
12. Siksapatri (The Epistle of Precepts)
13. Conclusion
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