The Sahityadarpana: Paricchedas I, II, X Arthalankaras, with Exhaustive Notes by P. V. Kane

The Sahityadarpana: Paricchedas I, II, X Arthalankaras, with Exhaustive Notes

Author(s): Dr. P. V. Kane
Language: English
Total Pages: 397
Available in: Paperback
Regular price Rs. 1,015.00 Sale price Rs. 1,050.00
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Written in a simple and flowing style this book contains a thorough disquisition on the technicalities of the dramatic art and forms found in the Natya-sastra of Bharata and the Dasarupaka of Dhananjaya. In the 1st Pariccheda, the author speaks of the fruits of poetry, discusses the definitions of Kavya proposed by different writers and gives his own definition and illustrates it. In the second after defining a sentence and a word, the author deals at great length with the three powers of a word and in the tenth he explains both Sabdalankaras and Arthalankaras in detail.