The Sensitives: Dynamics and Dangers of Mysticism: The Notebooks of Paul Brunton (Vol 11) is a volume from The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, a collection of writings by the British philosopher and mystic Paul Brunton. This particular volume addresses the experiences of "sensitives," individuals who are more attuned to mystical or spiritual phenomena. It highlights the psychological and spiritual dynamics that accompany such heightened sensitivities, as well as the potential dangers involved in these experiences.
In this volume, Brunton explores how certain individuals are particularly open to mystical experiences, which can have both enlightening and destabilizing effects. He discusses how such sensitives may encounter intense emotional and mental states as they connect with unseen spiritual realities. The volume emphasizes the importance of preparation, discernment, and groundedness when engaging with these forces, as without these qualities, mysticism can lead to psychological disturbance or disillusionment.
The teachings in The Sensitives offer guidance to those on a spiritual path, especially those exploring the mystical dimensions of life, and aim to help them navigate the delicate balance between enlightenment and the psychological risks involved in such deep experiences.
Paul Brunton is known for blending Eastern spirituality with Western philosophy, and his works are highly regarded in spiritual and philosophical circles for their depth and insight. Volume 11 is an important resource for understanding the complex dynamics of mystical experiences and how one can approach them with caution and wisdom.
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