Both were gifts-the rarest of the rare- offered by India to mankind. For these gifts, humanity will remain in perpetual debt which cannot be redeemed merely by paying homage by different means but by allowing these luminaries to affect us, catalyze us, help us remove all callousness, and sensitize us towards a new spiritual level of consciousness. The great Masters brought before humanity, for the first time, the most efficacious and practical methods of understanding ultimate verities and application of such verities/truths in their practical day-to-day life. The contribution of both masters in the field of personal development and especially in the case of the education of children is ideal for all nations. Both Swami Vivekananda and Paramahansa Yogananda were great masters of humanity. No, ordinary man, surely, is worthy of this spiritual title. But now and then there appears on earth one of the noble lineages of God-realized souls to carry out the plans of Divinity and establish righteousness on earth. Vivekananda's work prepared the ground in America and planted the seeds of Eastern spiritual values. These seeds were to be nurtured by another spiritual giant from India, Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952).