This publication of Vedic Hymns (Mantras), which are commonly practised by the Acharyas on different Sanatan Dharm related rituals and on various auspicious or other occasions, is being presented by the author in order to enable the patrons (H) of the ceremonial occasions to understand, as to what the mantras say and what is the purpose of performing these Vedic rituals.
The author hopes that this humble attempt of his presentation of Vedic Hymns would be of some help to the people, who are interested in the deeper meaning of these Sacred Hymns, especially, our Indian diaspora all over.
Since time immemorial a lot has been penned down on the Vedas by the most venerable, great and divine Acaryas; one cannot fathom its depth. Though all that is superb, yet human mind goes on, ceaselessly, and never stops at any point of time; and I also strongly felt an urge to venture on it and do something differently. This work is nothing else other than the grace of my "Aradhya", the blessings of "Gurudev" and that of my revered father, who was a renowned scholar of the Vedas and, especially, the Upanisads. I know well I am nobody even to add an iota from my own side, as I know little Sanskrit, and more so, the Vedic one.
In some very special given personal conditions, I was seeking solace in our scriptures. My conviction has always been that our ancient scriptures alone have power to comfort an aching soul. I was, therefore, surfing across in the midst of a wide selection of books available in my son-in-law's home in the USA. And, fortunately, I happened to come across a book on the Vedic prayers. Reading it engrossed my mind, fetching peace for me. And this, in turn, motivated me to take up this humble task of rendering it into English, which may help readers who are unable to understand the original Sanskrit Text. This is the most invaluable treasure of the Vedas, as this is SANATAN (eternal) and true for all times.
Vedas and Sanatan Dharm are inseparable from each other. Vedic knowledge is the most ancient and precious knowledge in the entire universe. Its vastness is unfathomable and greatness cannot be measured. Vedic Hymns are Sanskrit oblations to various Gods; each God is the master or controller of His or Her assigned department and is under the vigilance of the Supreme Brahman, who pervades everything, animate or inanimate. Since the Supreme Brahman is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, He can be Impersonal Brahman (Nirakâr-Nirgun Parbrahm Parmatma) and at the same time He can manifest in person as Sākār-Sagun Bhagwan (like Bhagwan Ram and Bhagwan Kṛṣṇa). When the Nirgun Brahman takes the Säkär-Sagun form, His appearance and actions are all Divine with full potency of Brahman, but some ignorant and foolish people think that He is just an ordinary human being with some special powers. This special attribute of being personal and impersonal according to His desire is what makes Him God Parabrahman Parmātmā. Vedic Hymns not only impart peace, prosperity, righteousness and auspiciousness, but give liberation as well. The main goal of human life is to attain Moksa (liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth).
In this age of materialism and technology, people do not even have time for their spiritual needs and growth. They are either busy in pursuing their material needs and greed, merry-making or indulging in sense-gratification. Only a few people want to work towards the upliftment of their soul. They know that we are not this body, we are soul. The nature of the soul, like that of Brahman, is sat-chid-anand (Sat means Existence or the Truth, Chid is the Consciousness, and Anand is the Bliss). Since the soul is a minute part of the Brahman, its original nature is pure; and it wants to reach its origin, Brahman, just as the rivers eagerly flow towards the mighty ocean and become one with the ocean. In order to achieve this goal, we have to overcome illusionary forces (Maya) through self-realization. Vedic Hymns if chanted with purity of mind and heart can give inconceivable benefits not just for body, but for soul too. It is my humble request to the people- be sincere while performing the Vedic Hymns because these are not merely for ritualistic use or personal benefit, but are powerhouse for entire humanity to charge and elevate their soul to the next level until it reaches its destination.
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