Publishers' Note
Born on the 8th September, 1887, in the illustrious family of Sage Appayya Dikshitar and several other renowned saints and savants, Sri Swami Sivananda had a natural flair for a life devoted to the study and practice of Vedanta. Added to this was an inborn eagerness to serve all and an innate feeling of unity with all mankind.
His passion for service drew him to the medical career; and soon he gravitated to where he thought that his service was most needed. Malaya claimed him. He had earlier been editing a health journal and wrote extensively on health problems. He discovered that people needed right knowledge most of all; dissemination of that knowledge he espoused as his own mission.
It was divine dispensation and the blessing of God upon mankind that the doctor of body and mind renounced his career and took to a life of renunciation to qualify for ministering to the soul of man. He settled down at Rishikesh in 1924, practised intense austerities and shone s a great Yogi, saint, sage and Jivanmukta.
In 1932 Swami Sivananda started the Sivanandashram. In 1936 was born the Divine Life Society. In 1948 the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy was organized. Dissemination of spiritual knowledge and training of people in Yoga and Vedanta were their aim and object. In 1950 Swamiji undertook a lightning tour of India and Ceylon. In 1953 Swamiji convened a 'World Parliament of Religions'. Swamiji is the author of over 30 volumes and has disciples all over the world, belonging to all nationalities, religions and creeds. To read Swamiji's works is to drink at the Fountain of Wisdom Supreme. On 14th July, 1963 Swamiji entered Mahasamadhi.
About the Book
The Waves of Ganga rise in the ocean of Bhagavan Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj's Infinite heart book at them with faith; they invite you to share the Bliss that dwells there. Respond to the Call; you will become one with the Ocean of Bliss. You will become Immortal and enjoy perennial peace and supreme bliss.
Swami Sivanandaji's Religion of the Heart which he has significantly termed 'Divine Life' is not the cave-dwellers' concern, for the monopoly of the monks. It is for all. In the plainest language Swamiji tells each one of us how to transform our daily life into Divine Life, and how, through regular, truthful, dynamic activities, every one can expand the heart to infinite dimensions.
Waves Of Ganga contains the essence of the wisdom of centuries. It has explained the goal o human life quite forcibly and lucidly. Receive these sayings. Practise, reflect and meditate on these sayings and attain wisdom, immortality and bliss eternal in this very birth.
Swami Sivananda | (5) | |
(i) | Your Goal and Ideal | 15 |
(ii) | Nature of God | 16 |
(iii) | God Exists | 16 |
(iv) | God Indwells Everything | 18 |
(v) | God Is to Be Realised | 19 |
(vi) | Mystery and Glory of God | 19 |
(i) | Foundation of Spiritual Life | 22 |
(ii) | Basis of Yoga | 23 |
(iii) | Dharma Leads to God-vision | 24 |
(iv) | Be Ethical | 25 |
(v) | Glory of Truth | 26 |
(vi) | Enemies of Yoga | 26 |
(vii) | Conquest of Passion | 29 |
(viii) | Goodness Leads to God | 30 |
(i) | Glory of Love | 32 |
(ii) | Love Leads to God | 33 |
(iii) | Develop Cosmic Love | 33 |
(iv) | Cultivate Devotion | 35 |
(v) | The Best Sadhana | 36 |
(vi) | Worship With Love | 37 |
(vii) | Pray Daily | 38 |
(viii) | Devotee's Prayer | 39 |
(i) | Mind Causes Everything | 41 |
(ii) | Your Mind | 42 |
(iii) | Law of Thought | 43 |
(iv) | Culture of the Mind | 44 |
(v) | Discipline Through Yoga | 45 |
(i) | Yoga Really Means This | 47 |
(ii) | Supreme fruit of Yoga | 48 |
(iii) | Develop Intuition | 50 |
(iv) | The Mystic Life | 50 |
(v) | The Royal Path | 51 |
(vi) | Importance of Health | 51 |
(vii) | Self-mastery through Breath-control | 52 |
(viii) | Some Aspects of Yoga | 54 |
(ix) | Key to Perfection | 55 |
(i) | The Spiritual Path | 58 |
(ii) | Live a New Life | 59 |
(iii) | Brave All Trials | 60 |
(iv) | Have Firm Faith | 62 |
(v) | Do Practical Sadhana | 62 |
(vi) | Annihilate Egoism | 63 |
(vii) | Your Real Nature | 64 |
(viii) | Meditate on the Eternal | 65 |
(ix) | Enter the Silence | 66 |
(x) | Look Within | 66 |
(xi) | Purify and Realise | 67 |
(i) | Persevere in Sadhana | 69 |
(ii) | Be Pure | 71 |
(iii) | The Light Is Within | 72 |
(iv) | Be Humble | 73 |
(v) | See the Oneness | 73 |
(vi) | Never Despair: Be Bold | 74 |
(vii) | Light on Sadhana | 76 |
(viii) | Way to Self-realisation | 78 |
(i) | The Illumined Sage | 81 |
(ii) | The Radiant Saint | 83 |
(iii) | Sufi, the Man of God | 84 |
(iv) | Holy Company Is Indispensable | 84 |
(v) | Spiritual Guru Must Guide You | 85 |
(vi) | Guru and disciple | 86 |
(vii) | Sannyasa-Its Significance and Glory | 87 |
(i) | Nature and Function of True Religion | 89 |
(ii) | Man's Life and Religion | 90 |
(iii) | Philosophy Bestows Wisdom | 91 |
(iv) | Different Philosophical Schools | 92 |
(v) | Supreme Philosophy of Advaita | 93 |
(vi) | Man | 94 |
(vii) | Goal of Life | 95 |
(viii) | Thoughts of Life | 96 |
(ix) | Rambles in Philosophy | 97 |
(i) | Self-knowledge Bestows Liberation | 99 |
(ii) | The Supreme Science | 100 |
(iii) | The Secret Doctrine | 102 |
(iv) | The Cause of Bondage | 103 |
(v) | Assert Thy Real Nature | 104 |
(vi) | Light on Svaroopa | 105 |
(vii) | Discriminate and Do Sadhana | 107 |
(i) | Your Ultimate Goal | 109 |
(ii) | Brahman Alone Exists | 110 |
(iii) | Brahman Is Bliss | 111 |
(iv) | Nature of Brahman or Atman | 111 |
(v) | Vedanta's Message | 113 |
(vi) | Knowledge Transcendental | 115 |
(vii) | Message of the Upanishads | 117 |
(viii) | Rambles in Vedanta | 119 |
(i) | Maya or Divine Illusion | 122 |
(ii) | Mystery of This Universe | 124 |
(iii) | The Snare of Ignorance | 125 |
(iv) | The Reality Behind All Existence | 127 |
(v) | Jiva and Jagat (1) | 129 |
(vi) | Jiva and Jagat (2) | 131 |
(vii) | Evolution in a Nutshell | 132 |
(viii) | Way Out of This Illusion | 133 |
(i) | Mysterious Law of Karma | 135 |
(ii) | Karma Leads to Rebirth | 136 |
(iii) | Understand the Secret of Karma | 137 |
(iv) | Transform Your Karma Into Yoga | 138 |
(v) | Karma Yoga Draws Divine Grace | 138 |
(vi) | A Word to Karma Yogins | 139 |
(i) | The Problem of Peace | 141 |
(ii) | Basis of Peace | 142 |
(iii) | How to Establish Lasting Peace? | 143 |
(iv) | Become Godly | 144 |
(v) | Role of Vedanta | 145 |
(vi) | The cause of Suffering | 146 |
(vii) | The Remedy | 147 |
(viii) | Let Wisdom Rule Over Nations | 148 |
(ix) | Be Wise, O Man | 148 |
(i) | Bharatavarsha-The Eastern Light | 151 |
(ii) | Her Radiant Idealism | 152 |
(iii) | An Effulgent Ray | 155 |
(iv) | Ideals of Education | 156 |
(v) | Listen, O Youth of India | 157 |
(vi) | Ideal of Divine Motherhood | 158 |
(vii) | Women in India | 161 |
(viii) | Ideal for West | 162 |
(i) | ripples Divine | 165 |
(ii) | On the Tide | 166 |
(iii) | Voice of the Waves | 167 |
(iv) | Drift-wood | 167 |
(v) | Waters of Wisdom | 169 |
(i) | Aim of Life | 171 |
(ii) | Web of Maya | 172 |
(iii) | O Man, Beware! | 174 |
(iv) | Awake, Arise | 175 |
(v) | Your Glorious Goal | 177 |
(vi) | Renunciation Brings Realisation | 178 |
(vii) | Become Desireless | 179 |
(viii) | Learn From Life | 180 |
(ix) | Roadway to Realisation and Bliss | 182 |
(i) | Have a Noble Ideal | 184 |
(ii) | Attain Bliss Through Divine Life | 185 |
(iii) | Become Virtuous | 186 |
(iv) | Love and Forgive | 187 |
(v) | Goodness Makes Life Sublime | 187 |
(vi) | Way to Happiness | 188 |
(vii) | How to Life? | 189 |
(viii) | Secret of Success | 190 |
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