Yoga of the Guhyasamajatantra The Arcane Lore of Forty Verses by Alex Wayman

Yoga of the Guhyasamajatantra The Arcane Lore of Forty Verses

Author(s): Alex Wayman
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass
Language: English
Total Pages: 404
Available in: Hardbound
Regular price Rs. 1,113.00
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This work opens up the subject of perhaps most profound of Buddhist Tantras, The Guhyasamajatantra by shedding light on its relation with previous literature including the Brahmanical tradition and by revealing the elevated type of Yoga. It goes far toward replacing the previous supposition that this Tantra can be understood by mere reading by one oblivious of the extensive commentarial tradition that incorporates the precepts of the Gurus.

The author has used the edited Sanskrit texts, the Pradipoddyotana Ms, the relevant texts translated into Tibetan in the Kanjur and Tanjur, and thirteen Tibetan works on the Tantra by Tsong-kha-pa, founder of the Gelugpa sect of Tibetan Buddhism. First he presents the forty Nidana verses that were quoted in Sanskrit in the Pradipoddyotana, and the chapters Six and Twelve of the basic Tantra with some commentarial exposition. Then he initiates the reader into the Tantra by various introductions including a translation of the Guhyasamaja Aksobhyamandala. There follows a remarkable synthetic commentary on the forty Nidana verses that go with the first 40 syllables of the Tantra. The special teaching of four-stage Yoga is continued into appendices that develop the practical side.

About the Author:

ALEX WAYMAN, now Professor Emeritus of Sanskrit, Columbia University, New York is in the forefront of Western Buddhist Scholarship by his series of books in both tantric and non-tantric Buddhism based on over forty years of researches. He employs both the Sanskrit and Tibetan languages in his books and articles. He has authored well over a hundred -fifty articles for professional journals and honorary type volumes in various countries and in recent years almost exclusively by invitation. His authorship of various seminal works on Buddhist Tantra ensures that the present collection of tantric essays conform to high standards of authoritative text and dependable citations.




      I. The Guhyasamaja-nidana-karika (Sanskrit Tibetan-English)

      II. Chapters VI and XII of the Guhyasamajatantra, translated into English.

      III. Edited Pradipoddyotana commentary on Chapter XII, 60-64, and English translation.


      I. Introduction to Buddhist Tantrism
        A. Tantra (generalities)

        B. Definitions and varieties of Tantras

        C. Some fundamentals of the Tantras

        D. Winds and mantras

        E. The world of light

        II. Introduction to the Guhyasamajatantra
          A. Texts, commentators, and history

          B. Title of the work and nidana

          C. Importance of the forty verses

          E. The
          of the Guhyasamaja
        III. Introduction to the Yoga of the Guhyasamaja system
          A. The chapters of the Guhyasamajatantra and yoga

          B. The two stages, initiations, and the Clear Light

          C. The four steps of yoga and three samadhis in the Stage of Generation

          D. The six members of yoga and five kramas in the Stage of Completion

        E. Grouping the Nidana Karikas
        I. The Stage of Generation
          A. Evam maya srutam 'Thus by me it was heard'

          B. Ekasmin samaye 'Upon an occasion'

          C. Bhagavan sarma 'The Lord-All'

          D. Tathagata 'Who has come the same way'
        II. The Stage of Completion
          E. Kayavakeitta 'Body, Speech, and Mind'

          F. Hrdaya-vajrayosid 'Diamond Ladies of the Heart'

        G. Bhage-su vijahara 'Was dwelling in the Bhagas'
    APPENDIX I: The Larikavatarasutra and the Guhyasamajatantra
    APPENDIX II: The Arcane-Body Controversy
    APPENDIX III: The Praxis according to Aryadeva
    APPENDIX IV: Grading of the Four-Stage Yoga





       I. The World of Light - Brahmanical and Buddhist 
      II. Correspondences of Aksobhya-mandala
     III. The Clear Lights
      IV. Intra-uterine correspondences
       V. Partite realities :  five skandhas
      VI. Partite realities :  four elements
     VII. Partite realities :  six sense organs
    VIII. Partite realities :  five sense objects
      IX. The Great Time