Astro Equations for Specific Professions by Mridula Trivedi, T. P. Trivedi & R. Asthana

Astro Equations for Specific Professions

Author(s): Mridula Trivedi and T. P. Trivedi & R. Asthana
Language: English
Total Pages: 532
Available in: Paperback
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 'Astro Equation For Specific Profession' is a perfect treatise of paramount importance on professional prospects of people, containing profound research observation based on the practical examination of thousands of birth charts of individuals, and after a wide and thorough study of all classical works of various sages. There was only a few professional employment during the earlier period, therefore our sages, who were blessed with siddhies have stated only about the prevalent professions of that period in their classical texts. The authors, of this book, have tried to explain the planetary configuration of as many specific professions as it was possible.

The most commonly asked question, even to a child, is i.e. what would you like to become when growing up, which simply means, what profession you would join? small kids reply with any profession, which has caught up their fancy lately but for students in higher classes, the question is a nightmare with everyone suggesting something or the other. so great is the focus today on the 'right' choice of career and such a wide spectrum of professions are available to choose from that students get baffled. More often than not the real potential takes a back seat and the professions in vogue are unwillingly chosen. Nowadays numerous techniques, psychoanalytical assessments and aptitude tests are being used by career counsellors to identify the right career for an individual. It is an effort to refine the choice of career using principles of Astrology. 

It contains 18 chapters on varied professionals like I.A.S., Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Journalists, Teachers, Police personnel, Industrialists, mathematicians, Consultants, Politicians, Players, Actors, Artists, Bank Personnel, M.B.As., C.As. and persons involved in various kinds of business etc., explaining that how can the specific profession be precisely pointed out. Which will be the most successful profession for the native and why? what kind of business will suit the subject? All these questions are vividly answered in this book.

It deals with minute details and precise observations of each and every profession separately, with illustrative discussions. Various rules for different occupations have been propounded quite categorically and significantly, which will help scholars of astrology, in finding out the most appropriate and suitable profession by applying the least effort and doing very less exercise, comparatively, in this regard. 

Various spiritual measures, to avoid obstacles in the career and to become more prosperous and rich, are also detailed in 'Astro Equation For Specific Professions'.


About the Author(s)

Mrs Mridula Trivedi, a Post Graduate of the University of Lucknow, was a claimed astrologer of international renown. She was honoured with 'Docter of Astrology' by the World Development Council in 1987, and the title Ved Vyas' by Spiritual and Astrological Research Institute, Lucknow in 2001. She was also awarded 'The Best Astrologer and Best Writer of the Country' by Planets and Forecast in 2007. She was associated with a number of journals and magazines as Consultant Editors.

Mrs Mridula Trivedi is the wife of Mr T.P. Trivedi, a renowned astrologer and the recipient of the Yash Bharati honour for his lifetime contribution to the field of Indian culture through his colossal and authentic creativity in the field of astrology. She is not a woman to hide behind the stupendous success of her husband and fellow professionals in astrology by just being the proverbial 'woman behind the success of her own, who is frequently referred to by her husband as a perennial source of inspiration. This two-way flow of inspiration in the life of this couple and duo scholars is the breading ground of many path-breaking research studies in the field of astrology.

Mrs Mridula Trivedi is the author of more than a hundred books in both Hindi and English. She has been writing on issues related to the Dasha system and is a popular consultant on matters related to the timing of decisions be they familial or financial.

Mr T.P. Trivedi, Starting his career as a student of science and then becoming an engineer with U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. was a linear march for Mr T.P. Trivedi. But from the position of scepticism towards astrology to become a doyen in the domain of astrology was a quantum jump. His life thereafter became a saga of a researcher in astrology. The quest of knowing more and share the knowledge with people with a view to helping them to understand the ways of fate was the inspiration behind writing more than 100 books in both Hindi & English on Astrology as also dozens of research articles. Through his life-long efforts spanning more than four decades, he has made it crystal clear that astrology is a scientific pursuit. 

He has been honoured by several fora devoted to the promotion of excellence in this human science called astrology. Awards like 'Best Astrologer of India Award', 'Dr. Manorama Sharma Jyotish Puraskar by Gopal Das Neeraj Foundation are just two stray examples from a rather long list of awards.

Based on his lifetime achievements, he was honoured with the most prestigious award of Uttar Pradesh Yash Bharati in 2015.

Mr. T.P. Trivedi is a builder of Bridges between spirituality (Adhyatma) and astrology (Jyotish) on the one hand and medical science and astrology on the other. His writings have proved to be a solace to many of his readers in helping them take appropriate decisions as also in preventing or overcoming fatal diseases and bringing happiness to them. Mr. T.P. Trivedi is very much a household name amongst seekers of advice on matters related to marriage and children, choice of occupation, financial investment and business decisions. 

Dr. Rakesh Asthana, Medico by Profession, Dr. Rakesh Asthana is a senior officer in the Government of India. He picked up astrology as a pastime, more than two decades back, because of his interest in medical astrology. For him, what began as a mere hobby developed into a serious passion when he began to appreciate the great predictive nature of astrology. After his busy professional schedules, he nurtured his ardour for astrology in alliance with Trivedi and has been associated with and assisted in several of their works. He has been co-author of a book in English titled 'An Insight into Kuja Dosha' and has been working on several other works with Trivedi, to be published shortly. As a student of science, he takes up the subject with an inquisitive mind and believes that genuine and sincere research can unravel many mysteries, that this great science has in its womb.  



"Astro Equations for Specific Professions" is, in a true sense, a continuation of our previous book on the vocational aspect of life 'Pointers to Profession: An Astrological Exposition'. 'Pointers to Profession: An Astrological Exposition' deals with the combinations, constellations and houses for the judgment of professional aspects and prospects of the native. This work includes dictums and sutras of yore, supplemented by observations from our experience and supported by more than a hundred case studies. How to time the different events in professional life like the commencement of a career, time of promotion etc have all been dealt with in quite a detail, with practical illustrations. But the study of astrological combinations, in relation to various aspects of the profession, would not be complete without the understanding of the planetary set-up for different professions. Being aware of it we have, after analysis of thousands of birth charts of persons from different occupations, delineated specific planetary configurations responsible for specific professions. What are the combinations which make one a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, or a lawyer all been worked out? We have been able to work out the combinations making one successful in IAS, IPS, IFS and the like, and all this vital information has been incorporated in the present book titled 'Astro Equations for Specific Professions'.

'Astro Equations For Specific Professions' is again a monumental work on one of the most important aspects of life - the means of livelihood or the profession of the native, who can be benefited by selecting an appropriate and suitable occupation on the basis of planetary set up of their birth chart. In earlier times, only a few vocations existed such as agriculture, engineering, medicine or law, in addition to various kinds of business etc. However, the selection of an appropriate profession is largely in demand, generally from the very beginning of schooling, by one and all.

The most commonly asked question, even to a child is,' i.e. what would you like to become when growing up? Which simply means, what profession you would join. Small kids reply with any profession, which has caught up their fancy lately but for students in higher classes, the question is a nightmare with everyone suggesting something or the other. So great is the focus today on the 'right' choice of career and such a wide spectrum of professions are available to choose from that students get baffled. More often than not the real potential takes a back seat and the professions in vogue are unwillingly chosen. Nowadays numerous techniques, psychoanalytical assessments and aptitude tests are being used by career counsellors to identify the right career for an individual. "Astro Equations For Specific Professions" is an effort to refine the choice of career using principles of Astrology.

Like every other aspect of life, a right and appropriate profession can also be chosen using the amazing and authentic Sutras of the sublime science of astrology, "Astro Equations For Specific Professions" discusses in detail various astrological combinations and corresponding careers viz. business, agriculture, service, medicine, engineering, administrative services and so on. It also talks about the suitability of a profession to an individual by considering a native's birth chart.

However, to find out one's profession on the basis of his birth chart is truly a tough exercise. It requires vast experience, wide study and practical applications on thousands of nativities that will make one adept at making a correct observation, with regard to the most suitable and appropriate profession of the subject. It is a general belief that the tenth house deals with the profession. It is absolutely true. However, in the present scenario when the numbers of vocations are so varied, many other concerning houses are to be taken into consideration for correct and precise interpretation. A few planets, which signify a particular occupation, should also be examined carefully to find out the most suitable occupation as indicated by the planets of the native. The tenth house, its lord and the navamsa of the lord of the tenth house are most important in finding out a suitable occupation. Anyway, in addition to the tenth house, the lords of the second and eleventh houses should also be taken into account. These two houses indicate the means of livelihood. Thus, indirectly second and eleventh houses too play a vital role in the judgement of the native's occupation. The effect of these two houses has been demonstrated in the discussions for various professions in "Astro Equations For Specific Professions", which will help to pinpoint the most probable and suitable job for the native.

Equally important are the roles of the sixth and eighth houses in predicting the career progression of individuals. The sixth and eighth houses are the most misunderstood houses with regard to profession, though both have a lot of influence on the native's career progression. The sixth house governs the professional fortune that is promotion, demotion, termination and the like. The eighth house is the tenth from the eleventh house and the eleventh from the tenth house. The eleventh house rules over the accomplishment of ambitions.



The present work by the authors may be deemed to be a sequel to their earlier title POINTERS TO PROFESSION and deals in greater detail with the subject of career choices. Based on combinations given in classical works and suitably adapted to present-time options, the authors deal in some detail with the clues needed to identify specific professional lines such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, bureaucrats, as also businessmen, sportspersons, film stars, politicians and other vocations. The content of the volume carries the weight of their wide experience, research and study of a large number of charts from across the globe and needs to be studied with diligence. One's calling -whether it is one of service and employment, or in the nature of the business or of a professional - is a very important part of one's life. It calls for a careful decision to be able to choose one's career properly. Such a decision may be necessary even as a student when one has to choose the line of study that would bring one not only satisfaction as an achiever but also financially comfortable. Many parents believe what is good for them is good for their children too but this may not be true always. They often, in a move that is well-meant but ill-conceived, foist their vocational preferences on the youngsters. As a result, these young people with great hopes of a successful career, are forced into a line of study dictated by parental suggestions, peer pressure and other extraneous considerations and which leave them finally frustrated. The best help one can get in such circumstances so as to be able to choose the profession that is best for one is from the horoscope. It is in this context that the present volume fulfils a long-felt need.

Different houses, signs and planets as also the role of Jaimini Atmakaraka have been extensively dealt with in reference to specific vocations. Yogas such as Sakata, Kemadruma and others have been critically examined and their powers to create setbacks and impediments in one’s vocational life have been lucidly explained.

In short, the volume proves to be a benchmark work and an important addition to the extant literature on the subject of vocational guidance.


1 Planetary Configuration and Classification of Occupation 1-24
2 Propensities for Administrative Services 29-95
3 Determinants of Medical Profession 102
4 Planetary Combinations for Engineers 133
5 Teaching: An Honourable Profession 165
6 Third House and Journalism 185
7 Planetary Proposition for Actors 203
8 Stars Support Sports 243
9 Pointers to Police Personnel 265
10 Engagements in Banks and Planetary Equations 297
11 Planets and Political Power 317
12 Determinants of Legal Profession 357
13 Engagement of Chartered Accountant 395
14 Planets Manage the Management Course 413
15 Astrological Science and Scientists, Discoverers or Inventors 429
16 Astro Calculus for Experts in Calculations i.e. Mathematicians 447
17 Entrepreneurship: A Vocation of Life 453
18 Miscellany and Remedies 473
  Bibliography 507