Life is not only a continuous journey, but it is also a puzzle, a mystery, a mysterious as well as a mystical experience. When you understand the principle of life, everything will fit into the puzzle. When one is ignorant, life can be like a drowning experience, but when one is wise, life becomes a blissful experience full of joy, happiness and contentment. From the human point of view, "death" is a terrible loss because that person is not going to come back to the same body. When you have experienced the loss of a loved one, only one question should arise: did I love this person enough? If you have not, it does not mean you should feel guilty or blame yourself; instead, it is a time to learn to love those around you. Life: A Mysterious Journey has particular relevance and application to the individual's current life and practical concerns. This book explores an approach to the living-or a way of life that is reflective of the perennial Wisdom found in the original Vedic and Sanskrit texts that have been tested over many Ages.